WEB102 Prework - Sea Monster Gaming

Submitted by: Loc Tran

Sea Monster Gaming is a website for the company Sea Monster Crowdfunding that displays information about the games they have funded.

Time spent: 4 hours spent in total

Required Features

The following required functionality is completed:

  • The introduction section explains the background of the company and how many games remain unfunded.
  • The Stats section includes information about the total contributions and dollars raised as well as the top two most funded games.
  • The Our Games section initially displays all games funded by Sea Monster Crowdfunding
  • The Our Games section has three buttons that allow the user to display only unfunded games, only funded games, or all games.

The following optional features are implemented:

  • The buttons color change on hovering for a better interactiong with user.
  • Any game card zooms in a little bit on hovering to mark which game user is pointing to.

Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of implemented features:

Demo Gif

GIF created with RecordIt


The biggest challenge while building the app is using for loop to display the game card when I tried to use for-each loop initially but it didn't work. So I switched to use for loop instead using the index and it finally worked. Luckily index.js has been filled with comments so I can follow the instruction easily without much effort to solve the problem. Another challenge is pushing the work on GitHub as I was hindered from submitting by an authentification problem as it required me to enter my username and password. After a while doing the research I finally made it to publicing the files on GitHub.


Copyright 2023 Loc Tran

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