Python Data Analytics and Visualization
Code repository for Python Data Analytics and Visualization by Packt
What you learn
- Understand the importance of data analysis and get familiar with its processing steps
- Get acquainted with NumPy to use with arrays and array-oriented computing in data analysis
- Process and analyze data using the time-series capabilities of Pandas
- Interact with different kind of database systems, such as file, disk format, Mongo, and Redis
- Understand statistical and mathematical concepts behind predictive analytics algorithms
- Analyze the result parameters arising from the implementation of predictive analytics algorithms
- Recognize and mitigate various contingencies and issues
- Use Pandas and NumPy to process and analyze data
- Understand best practices while handling datasets and simple mathematical simulations
- Data Visualization with Matplotlib
- Interactive plotting with NumPy, Scipy, and MKL functions
- Building financial models using Monte-Carlo simulations
- Creating directed graphs and multi-graphs
- Advanced visualization with D3
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