
GitHub project (Project 3) repository for PDSND

Primary LanguagePython

Programming for Data Science with Python Nanodegree


Date created

Saturday, 2 December 2023

Project Title

Explore US Bikeshare Data



Using Python to explore data about bike share systems for 3 major cities in the US - Chicago, New York City, and Washington. This script can import the data, answer interesting questions by computing descriptive statistics, takes in raw input to create an interactive experience in the terminal to present these statistics.

Project Submission

There are 3 questions:

  • Would you like to see data for Chicago, New York City, or Washington?
  • Which month - All, January, February, March, April, May, or June?
  • Which day - All, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?

The answers for the questions above will determine the city and timeframe and then filtering the dataset, display the statistical result of the data, and user can choose to start again or exit.

The script handles unexpected input (like improper upper or lower case, typos, or user misunderstanding) well without failing.

The script prompt the user whether would like to see the raw data. If the answers yes then the script should print 5 rows at a time, then ask the user if they would like to see 5 more rows. It will continue until the user chooses no.

Software requirements

  • Python 3, NumPy, and pandas installed using Anaconda
  • A text editor, like Sublime or Atom.
  • A terminal application (Terminal on Mac and Linux or Cygwin on Windows).

Files used

  • washington.csv
  • new_york_city.csv
  • chicago.csv

Project Submission

Check out my Project Submission

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