
Template for python based projects

Primary LanguagePython

made-with-python Checked with mypy Code style: black Imports: isort

📜 Python Demo Project

The demo will fetch a list of "Top Memes".

Usage: poetry run python app/main.py <number or results>

Default list length is 10 items

📝 Please note the main objective was just to showcase packages like httpx, rich and typer.

Commands for this project

using the makefile

  • make setup - Setup the project using Poetry.
  • make run - Run the project using Poetry.
  • make cleanup - Clenup for any temp files in the project.
  • make check - Run all checks and formatters.
  • make docs-serve - Serve the docs using mkdocs.
  • make docs-build - Build the docs using mkdocs.