
rtm documentation for users and developers by TransLink Forecasting

RTM Documentation for Users and Developers

Build Status RTD Build Status

This is a mkdocs-generated documentation for the Regional Transportation Model (RTM) by TransLink Forecasting. This repository has been set up with GitHub Workflow and readthedoc for automated deployment.

Please visit the documentation on github.io or readthedoc.

Getting Started

As rtmdoc collaborators, you are invited to contribute to the documentation for RTM. This documentation is compiled using mkdocs.

Follow the steps below create or update mkdocs-generated html:

Install prerequisites

  • download and install git
  • download and install python anaconda
  • set up environment with prerequisites:
    • conda remove --name rtmdoc --all
    • conda create -n rtmdoc python=3.9 pip
    • conda activate rtmdoc
    • pip install -U -r requirements/project.txt

Clone rtmdoc and develop

  • clone git repository: git clone https://github.com/TransLinkForecasting/rtmdoc.git
  • test build locally: mkdocs build
  • test development : mkdocs serve
  • commit and push your temp branch and create a pull request:
    • git checkout -b master_pr_num
    • git commit
    • git push origin master_pr_num

Build task with VSCode

  • Inside VSCode, go to Terminal -> Run Build Task
    • This will automatically call mkdocs serve using the setting inside .vscode/tasks.json