
A library containing some data structures and algorithms written in c/c++.

Data Structure

Name Source Comment
vector myVector.h myVector.cpp implement C++ STL vector
LinkList LinkList.h LinkList_Demo implement a single list
Binary Search Tree binarySearchTree.h binarySearchTree_Demo.cpp implement binarySearchTree
Trie tree Trie.cpp implement trie tree
Graph Graph.h Graph_Demo.cpp implement graph structures
String String.h String.cpp implement own c++ string class
Polynomial PolyAdd.h PolyAdd_Demo.cpp solve add two polynomial problems


Name Source Comment
Sorting Algorithm mySort.h mySort_Demo classic sorting algorithms
Search Algorithm Search.cpp include breadth-first search and depth-first search with some examples
Shortest Algorithm Floyed-Warshall.cpp Dijkstra.cpp Bellman-Ford.cpp some shortest paths algorithm
Union Find Algorithm UnionFind.cpp here are some examples of union find problems
Minimum Spanning Tree Kruskal.cpp minimum spanning tree algorithm include kruskal and prim
KMP kmp.cpp the classic string matching algorithm
minimax algorithm a TicTacToe game using minimax algorithm and alpha-beta pruing


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