
Simple CLI tool to show who's fronting in your Discord Rich Presence

Primary LanguagePython


Simple CLI tool to show who's fronting in your Discord Rich Presence

Create an application at https://discord.com/developers/applications, and copy the CLIENT ID.

$ ./pkrpc -id abcde -cid 782147341111111111 -t 20 -h
usage: pkrpc [-h] -id system_id -cid client_id -t interval [-f /path/to/parser.py]
             [-api api_endpoint]

Show your PluralKit fronters in Discord Rich Presence

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -id system_id, --system_id system_id
                        Your PluralKit System ID
  -cid client_id, --client_id client_id
                        Discord Application Client ID
  -t interval, --interval interval
                        How frequently to poll for updates (in seconds), >= 15
  -f /path/to/parser.py, --fronters_parser /path/to/parser.py
                        Path to a module that contains a function which converts the
                        Fronters API response into the detail and state Rich Presence
                        strings. Example: ./fronters_to_string.py
  -api api_endpoint     PluralKit API Endpoint (default https://api.pluralkit.me)

To customize the details and state (1st and 2nd row in the rich presence), copy fronters_to_string.py somewhere and modify it, then pass it as the -f argument (e.g. $ ./pkrpc -id abcde -cid 782147341111111111 -t 20 -h -f ~/fronters_to_string.py)

Fronters Info