
Chess engine that will use the PGN data format for import and export of games

Primary LanguagePython


This is the pyChess project by Timothy Myers. The goal of the project is to create a chess engine that imports and exports partial games in the Portable Game Notation file format so that chess games may be played over email.

This is currently implemented in Python 3.4. This is back under active development right now. The game engine is fully functional including a PGN parser/exporter that support FEN notation.

Also included is configuration that allows for randomized starting positions, an idea shameless inspired by Really Bad Chess<http://www.reallybadchess.com/>

To Install:
pip install .

This installation will install the required dependencies

To Run:

Also included is the pychess.wsgi file required for hooking the Web UI up to an apache server. The apache site file is left up to the consumer.

This uses Piece images created by Peter Wong.