These are instructions for setting up

1. Setup LookingGlass and DocManager instances by following steps 1-5 at

2. cp setup/version_fields.json to DocManager/dataspec_files/fields_for_all_sources/version_fields.json
This hides a field that isn't needed for this instance

3. Start DocManager

4. In the setup/ directory, run: ruby usvwl_index_script.rb.
If DocManager is running somewhere other than localhost:3000, the path for
this may need to be adjusted.

5. In LookingGlass/config/initializers/project_config.rb, change the
PROJECT_CONFIG environment variable to "free_press_legal". Then, start LookingGlass.

6. Download and unzip
Some of the documents are too big for Github, so this has a more complete set
than this repository. The docs/ folder in this zip file should be available at (as it currently is)