This project was developed by: Frank Valdez, Julie Nguyen, Konstantin Tikhonov, Vaibhav Tank & Yvette Tran
Find Your Nature is a web app to assist users in finding national attractions (i.e. parks, monuments, trails, etc.) in the US. Data is pulled from the National Park Service API to provide general information regarding the national attraction. Users also have access to weather data, air quality, park alerts, as well as reviews from other users.
To experience a demo of Find Your Nature, click the following link:
If you want to load the app onto your computer, please clone the repo using this link:
In order to access the user comments database, you will need to create your own Firebase account. In the HTML and review.js files, replace the initialize firebase
code with your own. To generate your own API keys, use the links in the "APIs Used" section below to sign up for a key.
- JavaScript/jQuery - To create the logic for the entire project
- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 4, Google Fonts, Font Awesome, and Animate.css - To create the UI/UX
- Firebase - To store user reviews and ratings for each park in the database
- Moment.js - To log and convert the built-in timestamp from unix to month/date/year, hours:minutes
All the APIs below are free for public use:
- Add in recommended activities of attraction based on popularity (e.g biking, camping, etc…)
- Display whether the places are dog-friendly
- Add information about entrance fees
- Display events in a park near you
- Park Contact Information
- Add places nearby (e.g hotel, restaurants, etc..)
- Adding images slideshow
- Add a 'Near-Me' feature to geo-locate the user and find the closest attractions within a given radius
- Decrease the load time for the webpage and maps
- Detailed card info to show the average ratings for each attraction