
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bob's Burger Memory Game

This was built with Reactjs. Playeres can test their memory by clicking each card once. If a player clicks all 12 cards they win, if they click the same card twice they lose.


Click here to play

Getting Started

To run this app on your own computer, fork and/or clone this repo then:

  1. Install yarn.
  2. In your terminal, navigate to the folder you just cloned down.
  3. Type yarn install to download all the necessary node modules.
  4. To start the react app, type yarn start and the web app will launch in your browser.

Built With

Future Developments

  • Replace the alerts when a player wins or loses with a bootstrap modal
  • Include a "Top Score" feature to log a player's best score if they keep playing
  • Add more cards to make the game more difficult