A simple util to make your dataset flexable.
- Python >3.6
- pillow 6.1.0
pip install datasetutils==0.1.1
from PIL.ImageDraw import ImageDraw
from datasetutils.datasets import MixInDataset
from datasetutils.mutations import ResizeMutation
from datasetutils.pasting import LeftCornerPastingRule, RandomPastingRule
dataset = \
MixInDataset(root='dummy-data', mixing='landscapes',to_mix_with='figures') \
.add_mutation_mixing(ResizeMutation((250, 250))) \
.add_mutation_to_mix_with(ResizeMutation((128, 128))) \
for idx, (image, box) in enumerate(dataset.mix(2,2)):
draw = ImageDraw(image)
draw.rectangle([box.minx, box.miny, box.width+box.minx, box.height+box.miny], width=6, outline="red")
image.save(f'output/{idx}.png', format='png')
will yield to result in the output