
Minipops alternative firmware for Music Thing Modular Radio Music

Primary LanguageC++


Minipops drummer alternative firmware for Music Thing Modular Radio Music module

Using it

  • Top knob selects drum pattern.
  • Bottom knob sets tempo, where full CCW position is external clock enable.
  • Button is RUN/STOP. Lit LED indicates RUN state. Sequence resets when stopped.
  • Bottom right jack is audio output.
  • Bottom left jack is external clock input. Pulse rising edge will advance sequence one step.
  • Top left jack is reset input. Pulse rising edge will reset sequence.
  • Top right jack is CV control for muting drummer voices. Works in a binary fashion.
  • The four top LEDs indicate position in the sequence in binary, 0 to 15 or 0 to 12 in some patterns.


I don't think I used much at all if any of the original Radio Music code, but I'll go with the same license as for the Radio Music project. I might add a panel based on the original one later. Creative Commons license it is. CC-BY-SA: Attribution / ShareAlike

This project includes work from the Teensy project, which is not covered by this license. Audio sample content is not covered by this license. Source for the samples. Patterns for the drummer are borrowed from Janost O2.