The python script gives the drone the drone to recognize the user’s face and autonomously track the user while maintaining a set distance. This project was done in Python using a DJI Tello drone, tested in Python 3.7.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
-h, --help ** = required
-d DISTANCE, --distance DISTANCE
use -d to change the distance of the drone. Range 0-6
(default: 3)
-sx SAFTEY_X, --saftey_x SAFTEY_X
use -sx to change the saftey bound on the x axis .
Range 0-480 (default: 100)
-sy SAFTEY_Y, --saftey_y SAFTEY_Y
use -sy to change the saftey bound on the y axis .
Range 0-360 (default: 55)
use -os to change override speed. Range 0-3 (default:
-ss, --save_session add the -ss flag to save your session as an image
sequence in the Sessions folder (default: False)
-D, --debug add the -D flag to enable debug mode. Everything works
the same, but no commands will be sent to the drone
(default: False)
- Esc: Quit Application
- T: Takeoff
- L: To Land
- 0: Set Drone distance to 0
- 1: Set Drone distance to 1
- 2: Set Drone distance to 2
- 3: Set Drone distance to 3
- 4: Set Drone distance to 4
- 5: Set Drone distance to 5
- 6: Set Drone distance to 6
- Backspace: Enable / Disable Override mode
- W/S: Fly Forward/Back
- A/D: Pan Left/Right
- Q/E: Fly Up/Down
- Z/C: Fly Left/Right
- 1: Set Drone speed to 1
- 2: Set Drone speed to 2
- 3: Set Drone speed to 3
- This has been tested outside, & it appears that there is too much happening in most outdoor public spaces. Seeing as the Tello has no internal storage & needs to send each video frame to a computer via WiFi, many things can go wrong in the process, but from what I observed the biggest issues appear to be: The Computer to Tello communication can be met with WiFi interference, delivering data at an unsustainable rate. The image data can become corrupted, making faces unrecognizable for OpenCV to process from, thus reducing the accuracy of the algorithm. In addition, the Tello is rather light, so if there is a lot of wind, it will be difficult to sit still, & in cases where it can, it may be slightly tilted, again making faces hard for the OpenCV algorithm to detect.
- Figure out a way to save images at a frame rate from 24-60, or at least 12 fps
- Display current battery power on screen
- Add a movement gradient dependent on distance from subject
- Add more to the facial recog to be able to tell when the drone needs to fly left or right
- Use pose estimation for input commands
- Add a function where the drone will ignore all faces except the one you specify
- Jabrils
- Damià Fuentes Escoté