
Demonstrating CRUD API that uses Netlify functions and FaunaDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Netlifpress - Netlify functions using Express

A demo repo showing use of CRUD API with FaunaDB using a Netlify function.

To see the site in action: Demo Site.

Prepare FaunaDB to use the code

  1. Log into FaunaDB and create a new database (name does not matter)
  2. Select the option to pre-populate the database with demo collections. This will create the "Customers" collection we'll use.
  3. Select the "Security" tab in the dabase, and add a new key.
  4. Copy the key, create a .env file at the root of the project and add a line DB_KEY=<your key>.
  5. If you're deploying to Netlify, create an environment variable called DB_KEY and add your key to it.
  6. If you're goin to use a different collection, or a non-default index name, change the paramneters on line 5 in the api.js file.

To use the demo

No, or light error handling is included, and the logic is pretty naive and scripted:

  1. Click the "Get" button to see all customers.
  2. Click "POST" to add a customer.
  3. Click "PUT" to change the customer's last name (verify that by clicking "GET" again).
  4. Click "DELETE" to delete the added customer.

You cannot change or delete a user before creating it. The new record id is saved in a global variable, so refreshing the page will require you to start the equence again. As mentioned, naive 😊.