
Node.js library for logging to LogDNA

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Node.js library for logging to LogDNA

Build Status Known Vulnerabilities

Deprecation Warning! (Winston/Bunyan users)

The next version change will be a major version bump

Winston and Bunyan users will have their log setup affected

We will release separate logdna-winston and logdna-bunyan modules

The original logdna module will not have any dependencies on winston in the next version


$ npm install --save logdna


var Logger = require('logdna');
var options = {
    hostname: myHostname,
    ip: ipAddress,
    mac: macAddress,
    app: appName,
    env: envName

// Defaults to false, when true ensures meta object will be searchable
options.index_meta = true;

// Define a singleton instance
var logger = Logger.setupDefaultLogger(apikey, options);

// Create multiple loggers with different options
var logger = Logger.createLogger(apikey, options);



  • Hostname - (String) - max length 32 chars
  • MAC Address - (String)
  • IP Address - (String)
  • Max Length - (Boolean) - formatted as options.max_length
  • Index Meta - (Boolean) - formatted as options.index_meta


After initial setup, logging is as easy as:

// Simplest use case
logger.log('My Sample Log Line');

// Add a custom level
logger.log('My Sample Log Line', 'MyCustomLevel');

// Include an App name with this specific log
logger.log('My Sample Log Line', { level: 'Warn', app: 'myAppName'});

// Pass any associated objects along as metadata
var meta = {
    foo: 'bar',
    nested: {
      nest1: 'nested text'

var opts = {
  level: 'warn',
  meta: meta

logger.log('My Sample Log Line', opts);

For more options, this module also offers:

// We support the following six levels
logger.info('My Sample Log Line');
logger.warn('My Sample Log Line');
logger.debug('My Sample Log Line');
logger.error('My Sample Log Line');
logger.fatal('My Sample Log Line');

// Functions above also accept additional options
logger.trace('My Sample Log Line', { app: 'myAppName'});

var opts = {
  level: trace,
  meta: {
    foo: 'bar',
    nested: {
      nest1: 'nested text'

// Functions above also pass any associated objects along as metadata
logger.trace('My Sample Log Line', opts);


createLogger(key, [options])


  • Required
  • Type: String
  • Values: YourIngestionKey

The LogDNA Ingestion Key associated with your account.


  • Optional
  • Type: String
  • Default: ''
  • Values: YourCustomApp
  • Max Length: 32

The default app passed along with every log sent through this instance.

  • Optional
  • Type: String
  • Default: ''
  • Values: YourCustomHostname
  • Max Length: 32

The default hostname passed along with every log sent through this instance.

  • Optional
  • Type: String
  • Default: ''
  • Values: YourCustomEnvironment
  • Max Length: 32

The default environment passed along with every log sent through this instance.

  • Optional
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

We allow meta objects to be passed with each line. By default these meta objects will be stringified and will not be searchable, but will be displayed for informational purposes.

If this option is turned to true then meta objects will be parsed and will be searchable up to three levels deep. Any fields deeper than three levels will be stringified and cannot be searched.

WARNING When this option is true, your metadata objects across all types of log messages MUST have consistent types or the metadata object may not be parsed properly!


WARNING Deprecated, you will have to opt-in and call cleanUpAll, where appropriate. AWS Lambda users have issues with listening on SIGTERM/SIGINT


WARNING Deprecated, you will have to opt-in and call cleanUpAll, where appropriate. AWS Lambda users have issues with listening on SIGTERM/SIGINT

  • Optional
  • Type: String
  • Default: ''
  • Values:

The default IP Address passed along with every log sent through this instance.

  • Optional
  • Type: String
  • Default: Info
  • Values: Debug, Trace, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal, YourCustomLevel
  • Max Length: 32

The default level passed along with every log sent through this instance.

  • Optional
  • Type: String
  • Default: ''
  • Values: C0:FF:EE:C0:FF:EE

The default MAC Address passed along with every log sent through this instance.

  • Optional
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: true

By default the line has a maximum length of 32000 chars, this can be turned off with the value false.

  • Optional
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 180000
  • Max Value: 300000

The length of the timeout on the POST request that is sent to LogDNA.

log(line, [options])


  • Required
  • Type: String
  • Default: ''
  • Max Length: 32000

The line which will be sent to the LogDNA system.


  • Optional
  • Type: String
  • Default: Info
  • Values: Debug, Trace, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal, YourCustomLevel
  • Max Length: 32

The level passed along with this log line.

  • Optional
  • Type: String
  • Default: ''
  • Values: YourCustomApp
  • Max Length: 32

The app passed along with this log line.

  • Optional
  • Type: String
  • Default: ''
  • Values: YourCustomEnvironment
  • Max Length: 32

The environment passed along with this log line.

  • Optional
  • Type: JSON
  • Default: null

A meta object that provides additional context about the log line that is passed.

  • Optional
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

We allow meta objects to be passed with each line. By default these meta objects will be stringified and will not be searchable, but will be displayed for informational purposes.

If this option is turned to true then meta objects will be parsed and will be searchable up to three levels deep. Any fields deeper than three levels will be stringified and cannot be searched.

WARNING When this option is true, your metadata objects across all types of log messages MUST have consistent types or the metadata object may not be parsed properly!

  • Optional
  • Default: Date.now()

A timestamp in ms, must be within one day otherwise it will be dropped and Date.now() will be used in its place.


A function that flushes all existing loggers that are instantiated by createLogger.


A function that flushes all existing loggers that are instantiated by createLogger, and then removes references to them. Should only be called when you are finished logging.

Winston Transport

This module also provides a transport object, which can be added to winston using:

var logdna = require('logdna');
var winston = require('winston');
var options = {
    key: apikey,
    hostname: myHostname,
    ip: ipAddress,
    mac: macAddress,
    app: appName,
    env: envName

// Defaults to false, when true ensures meta object will be searchable
options.index_meta = true;

// Only add this line in order to track exceptions
options.handleExceptions = true;

winston.add(winston.transports.Logdna, options);

Bunyan Stream

This module also provides a transport object, which can be added to bunyan using:

let LogDNAStream = require('logdna').BunyanStream;

let logDNA = new LogDNAStream({
  key: apikey

var logger = bunyan.createLogger({
  name: "My Application",
  streams: [
  	{ stream: process.stdout },
    { stream: logDNA,
      type: 'raw'

logger.info('Starting application on port %d', app.get('port'));

NOTE: You must use the raw stream type

AWS Lambda Support

AWS Lambda allows users to add logging statements to their Lambda Functions. You can choose to setup the logger as shown above, or you can override the console.log, console.error statements. AWS Lambda overrides the console.log, console.error, console.warn, and console.info functions as indicated here, within the scope of the handler (main) function. You can setup an override as follows:

'use strict';

const https = require('https');
const Logger = require('logdna');

const options = {
    env: 'env'
    , app: 'lambda-app'
    , hostname: 'lambda-test'
    , index_meta: true

var _log = console.log;
var _error = console.error;

var logger = Logger.setupDefaultLogger('YOUR API KEY', options);

var log = function() {
    logger.log([...arguments].join(' '));
    _log.apply(console, arguments);

var error = function() {
    logger.error([...arguments].join(' '));
    _error.apply(console, arguments);

 * Pass the data to send as `event.data`, and the request options as
 * `event.options`. For more information see the HTTPS module documentation
 * at https://nodejs.org/api/https.html.
 * Will succeed with the response body.
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    console.log = log;
    console.error = error;

    // Your code here
    console.log('How bout normal log');
    console.error('Try an error');




Happy Logging!