In this example, we'll be following Luite Stegemann's lead and building a simple functional reactive calculator to be used in a web browser or as a desktop or mobile app.
This document is a literate haskell source file written in markdown. We're using markdown-unlit to process this source file and turn it into something our compiler can understand.
You can run this tutorial by:
Installing obelisk, a framework and development tool for multi-platform Haskell applications.
Cloning the calculator-tutorial repository.
git clone
Running the application with the
ob calculator-tutorial ob run
Navigating to http://localhost:8000. If you want to run it at a different hostname or port, modify the
configuration file.
While ob run
is running the application, any changes to this source file will cause the code to be reloaded and the application to be restarted. If the changes have introduced any errors or warnings, you'll see those in the ob run
window. Tinker away!
Over the course of this tutorial, we're going to progressively build a calculator application. Each step in the process of constructing the calculator will be a numbered function in this document. For example, the first function is tutorial1
, below.
To see what the code in tutorial1
does when it runs, you can navigate to /tutorial/1. The same applies to any other numbered function: just change the number at the end of the url to match that of the function you'd like to see in action.
Because this is one big source file, all of our functions will share a set of imports and language extensions, declared here:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Tutorial where
import Reflex
import Reflex.Dom
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (pack, unpack, Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Control.Applicative ((<*>), (<$>))
import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix)
That's all for the preliminaries. Let's get to it!
Reflex's companion library, Reflex-Dom, contains a number of functions used to build and interact with the Document Object Model. Let's start by getting a basic frontend up and running.
tutorial1 :: DomBuilder t m => m ()
tutorial1 = el "div" $ text "Welcome to Reflex"
has the type signature:
el :: MonadWidget t m => Text -> m a -> m a
The first argument to el
is a Text
, which will become the tag of the html element produced. The second argument is a Widget
, which will become the child of the element being produced. We turned on the OverloadedStrings
extension so that the literal string in our source file would be interpreted as the appropriate type (Text
rather than String
FRP-enabled datatypes in Reflex take an argument
, which identifies the FRP subsystem being used. This ensures that wires don't get crossed if a single program uses Reflex in multiple different contexts. You can think oft
as identifying a particular "timeline" of the FRP system. Because most simple programs will only deal with a single timeline, we won't revisit thet
parameters in this tutorial. As long as you make sure yourEvent
, andDynamic
values all get theirt
argument, it'll work itself out.
In our example, el "div" $ text "Welcome to Reflex"
, the first argument to el
was "div"
, indicating that we are going to produce a div element.
The second argument to el
was text "Welcome to Reflex"
. The type signature of text
text :: MonadWidget t m => Text -> m ()
takes a Text
and produces a Widget
. The Text
becomes a text DOM node in the parent element of the text
. Of course, instead of a Text
, we could have used el
here as well to continue building arbitrarily complex DOM. For instance, if we wanted to make a unordered list:
tutorial2 :: DomBuilder t m => m ()
tutorial2 = el "div" $ do
el "p" $ text "Reflex is:"
el "ul" $ do
el "li" $ text "Efficient"
el "li" $ text "Higher-order"
el "li" $ text "Glitch-free"
Of course, we want to do more than just view a static webpage. Let's start by getting some user input and printing it.
tutorial3 :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m) => m ()
tutorial3 = el "div" $ do
t <- inputElement def
text " "
dynText $ _inputElement_value t
Running this in your browser, you'll see that it produces a div
containing an input
element. When you type into the input
element, the text you enter appears inside the div as well.
is a function with the following type:
inputElement :: DomBuilder t m
=> InputElementConfig er t (DomBuilderSpace m)
-> m (InputElement er (DomBuilderSpace m) t)
It takes a InputElementConfig
(given a default value in our example), and produces a Widget
whose result is a InputElement
. The InputElement
exposes the following functionality:
data InputElement er d t
= InputElement { _inputElement_value :: Dynamic t Text
, _inputElement_checked :: Dynamic t Bool
, _inputElement_checkedChange :: Event t Bool
, _inputElement_input :: Event t Text
, _inputElement_hasFocus :: Dynamic t Bool
, _inputElement_element :: Element er d t
, _inputElement_raw :: RawInputElement d
, _inputElement_files :: Dynamic t [RawFile d]
Here we are using _inputElement_value
to access the Dynamic Text
value of the InputElement
. Conveniently, dynText
takes a Dynamic Text
and displays it. It is the dynamic version of text
A calculator was promised, I know. We'll start building the calculator by creating an input for numbers.
tutorial4 :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m) => m ()
tutorial4 = el "div" $ do
t <- inputElement $ def
& inputElementConfig_initialValue .~ "0"
& inputElementConfig_elementConfig . elementConfig_initialAttributes .~ ("type" =: "number")
text " "
dynText $ _inputElement_value t
The code above overrides some of the default values of the InputElementConfig
. We provide a Map Text Text
value for the inputElementConfig_elementConfig
's elementConfig_initialAttributes
, specifying the html input element's type
attribute to number
Next, we override the default initial value of the InputElement
. We gave it "0"
. Even though we're making an html input
element with the attribute type=number
, the result is still a Text
. We'll convert this later.
Let's do more than just take the input value and print it out. First, let's make sure the input is actually a number:
tutorial5 :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m) => m ()
tutorial5 = el "div" $ do
x <- numberInput
let numberString = fmap (pack . show) x
text " "
dynText numberString
numberInput :: DomBuilder t m => m (Dynamic t (Maybe Double))
numberInput = do
n <- inputElement $ def
& inputElementConfig_initialValue .~ "0"
& inputElementConfig_elementConfig . elementConfig_initialAttributes .~ ("type" =: "number")
return . fmap (readMaybe . unpack) $ _inputElement_value n
We've defined a function numberInput
that both handles the creation of the InputElement
and reads its value. Recall that _inputElement_value
gives us a Dynamic Text
. The final line of code in numberInput
uses fmap
to apply the function readMaybe . unpack
to the Dynamic
value of the InputElement
. This produces a Dynamic (Maybe Double)
. Our main
function uses fmap
to map over the Dynamic (Maybe Double)
produced by numberInput
and pack . show
the value it contains. We store the new Dynamic Text
in numberString
and feed that into dynText
to actually display the Text
Running the app at this point should produce an input and some text showing the Maybe Double
. Typing in a number should produce output like Just 12.0
and typing in other text should produce the output Nothing
Now that we have numberInput
we can put together a couple inputs to make a basic calculator.
tutorial6 :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m) => m ()
tutorial6 = el "div" $ do
nx <- numberInput
text " + "
ny <- numberInput
text " = "
let result = zipDynWith (\x y -> (+) <$> x <*> y) nx ny
resultString = fmap (pack . show) result
dynText resultString
numberInput :: DomBuilder t m => m (Dynamic t (Maybe Double))
numberInput = do
n <- inputElement $ def
& inputElementConfig_initialValue .~ "0"
& inputElementConfig_elementConfig . elementConfig_initialAttributes .~ ("type" =: "number")
return . fmap (readMaybe . unpack) $ _inputElement_value n
hasn't changed here. Our main
function now creates two inputs. zipDynWith
is used to produce the actual sum of the values of the inputs. The type signature of zipDynWith
Reflex t => (a -> b -> c) -> Dynamic t a -> Dynamic t b -> Dynamic t c
You can see that it takes a function that combines two pure values and produces some other pure value, and two Dynamic
s, and produces a Dynamic
In our case, zipDynWith
is combining the results of our two numberInput
s (with a little help from Control.Applicative
) into a sum.
We use fmap
again to apply pack . show
to result
(a Dynamic (Maybe Double)
) resulting in a Dynamic Text
. This resultText
is then displayed using dynText
Next, we'll add support for other operations. We're going to add a dropdown so that the user can select the operation to apply. Our supported operations will be:
data Op = Plus | Minus | Times | Divide
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
runOp :: Fractional a => Op -> a -> a -> a
runOp s = case s of
Plus -> (+)
Minus -> (-)
Times -> (*)
Divide -> (/)
ops :: Map Op Text
ops = Map.fromList [(Plus, "+"), (Minus, "-"), (Times, "*"), (Divide, "/")]
We also want a nice simple way of interpreting these operations, and some kind of string representation to display. We will reuse all of these definitions in all of the remaining examples.
Here is our program:
tutorial7 :: (DomBuilder t m, PostBuild t m, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m) => m ()
tutorial7 = el "div" $ do
nx <- numberInput
op <- _dropdown_value <$> dropdown Times (constDyn ops) def
ny <- numberInput
let values = zipDynWith (,) nx ny
result = zipDynWith (\o (x,y) -> runOp o <$> x <*> y) op values
resultText = fmap (pack . show) result
text " = "
dynText resultText
numberInput :: DomBuilder t m => m (Dynamic t (Maybe Double))
numberInput = do
n <- inputElement $ def
& inputElementConfig_initialValue .~ "0"
& inputElementConfig_elementConfig . elementConfig_initialAttributes .~ ("type" =: "number")
return . fmap (readMaybe . unpack) $ _inputElement_value n
We've covered numberInput
in our last tutorial; the first new function is dropdown
, which has type:
dropdown :: (MonadWidget t m, Ord k) => k -> Dynamic t (Map k Text) -> DropdownConfig t k -> m (Dropdown t k)
The first argument is the initial value of the Dropdown
, which in our case is of type Op
. The second argument is a Dynamic (Map Op Text)
that represents the options in the dropdown. The Text
values of the Map
are the strings that will be displayed to the user. If the initial key is not in the Map
, it is added and given a Text
value of ""
. The final argument is a DropdownConfig
.We are using dropdown
on the following line:
op <- _dropdown_value <$> dropdown Times (constDyn ops) def
This particular reflex-dom
widget allows us to dynamically update the list of options. We don't need this, so we use constDyn
to turn ops
into a dynamic behavior that never changes. Finally, we use def
to provide a sensible default configuration. In our case, the return type of dropdown
in our case is m (Dropdown t Op)
, and we use the accessor _dropdown_value
to fetch the Dynamic Op
that represents the operation currently held in the input box.
Our use of zipDynWith
is very similar to the last tutorial; but instead of aggregating two Dynamic
s, now we need to aggregate three. So we call zipDynWith
let values = zipDynWith (,) nx ny
result = zipDynWith (\o (x,y) -> runOp o <$> x <*> y) op values
The first call, we aggregate the state of the two numberInputs
, nx
and ny
, into a pair of numbers. The result is of type Dynamic (Maybe Double, Maybe Double)
, which is then bound to values
Next, we call zipDynWith
again, combining values
with the selected operation op
. Now, instead of applying (+)
to our Double
values, we use runOp
to select an operation based on the Dynamic
value of our Dropdown
Running the app at this point will give us our two number inputs with a dropdown of operations sandwiched between them. Multiplication should be pre-selected when the page loads.
While the previous examples are a nice introduction to producing spreadsheet-style interactions, sometimes you'll want to use events to update a state machine; a reasonably faithful implementation of a traditional four function calculator is a fairly natural example.
In the next three examples, we'll use accumDyn
to collect button presses and use them to update a widget's state. This function is a close analogy to foldl
: it takes a pure function describing the state changes, an initial state, and a Event
stream, and returns a Dynamic
accumDyn :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m)
=> (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Event t b -> m (Dynamic t a)
So, let's get started!
As a slimmed down example, we'll start with a number pad that allows you to type in numbers, and clear them. We'll start with a numeric keypad:
buttonClass :: DomBuilder t m => Text -> Text -> m (Event t ())
buttonClass c s = do
(e, _) <- elAttr' "button" ("type" =: "button" <> "class" =: c) $ text s
return $ domEvent Click e
numberPad :: (DomBuilder t m) => m (Event t Text)
numberPad = do
b7 <- ("7" <$) <$> numberButton "7"
b8 <- ("8" <$) <$> numberButton "8"
b9 <- ("9" <$) <$> numberButton "9"
b4 <- ("4" <$) <$> numberButton "4"
b5 <- ("5" <$) <$> numberButton "5"
b6 <- ("6" <$) <$> numberButton "6"
b1 <- ("1" <$) <$> numberButton "1"
b2 <- ("2" <$) <$> numberButton "2"
b3 <- ("3" <$) <$> numberButton "3"
b0 <- ("0" <$) <$> buttonClass "number zero" "0"
return $ leftmost [b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9]
numberButton n = buttonClass "number" n
This definition will come in handy for the rest of the tutorial examples. Here, button
is a reflex-dom default widget, which isn't affected by the surrounding divClass
button :: DomBuilder t m => Text -> m (Event t ())
For each button click, the event simply returns ()
. However, we want to easily distinguish the buttons from each other, so we turn the result into an m (Event t Text)
using two layers of fmap. So, in the b0
line, we use <$>
to apply ("0" <$)
to the Event
inside m
, then <$
replaces the ()
inside the Event
with "0"
Finally we funnel all these (now distinct) events into one Event
channel, using leftmost
, which is of type:
leftmost :: Reflex t => [Event t a] -> Event t a
Here's the complete code:
tutorial8 :: (DomBuilder t m, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, PostBuild t m) => m ()
tutorial8 = el "div" $ do
numberButton <- numberPad
clearButton <- button "C"
let buttons = leftmost
[ Nothing <$ clearButton
, Just <$> numberButton
dstate <- accumDyn collectButtonPresses initialState buttons
text " "
dynText dstate
initialState :: Text
initialState = T.empty
collectButtonPresses :: Text -> Maybe Text -> Text
collectButtonPresses state buttonPress =
case buttonPress of
Nothing -> initialState
Just digit -> state <> digit
So tutorial8
starts by tacking on a button to clear the input. We then aggregate the events coming from the numberpad with the events coming from the clear button, by marking all the numberpad events with a Just
constructor and using Nothing
to represent the clear button.
We use accumDyn
to observe button presses and update our widget's state. Our widget's state is very simple: it's just Text
. The state transition function is also quite simple: we simply check to see if the clear button was pressed, and if not, append the Text returned by our numberPad
There are significant potential benefits to testing, reliability and security if you can specify your widget's state transition as a pure function, which we do here. It provides a high degree of assurance that the transition function does not have complicated interactions with other parts of the system, and makes it easier to check that part of the logic using say, quickcheck, an SMT solver, model checker, proof assistant, or other formal techniques. However, if you need it, there is accumMDyn
which allows the transition function to exhibit certain other effects.
For a simple four-function calculator, we basically just take the previous example and do a lot more of it. Our widget's state becomes much more complex: in addition to the input, we have an accumulator which we display when then the input is empty, and we keep track of the most recently requested operation. Then we have to project the widget state down Dynamic
behaviors: one to determine the Text
representing the number to display on the screen, and some dynamic attributes to indicate the selected operation. While the state transition function is significantly more complicated, it's still a pure function: as far as Reflex is concerned, it's really no different than the previous implementation.
data CalcState = CalcState
{ _calcState_acc :: Double -- accumulator
, _calcState_op :: Maybe Op -- most recently requested operation
, _calcState_input :: Text -- current input
} deriving (Show)
data Button
= ButtonNumber Text
| ButtonOp Op
| ButtonEq
| ButtonClear
initCalcState :: CalcState
initCalcState = CalcState 0 Nothing ""
updateCalcState :: CalcState -> Button -> CalcState
updateCalcState state@(CalcState acc mOp input) btn =
case btn of
ButtonNumber d ->
if d == "." && T.find (== '.') input /= Nothing
then state
else CalcState acc mOp (input <> d)
ButtonOp pushedOp -> applyOp state (Just pushedOp)
ButtonEq -> applyOp state Nothing
ButtonClear -> initCalcState
applyOp :: CalcState -> Maybe Op -> CalcState
applyOp state@(CalcState acc mOp input) mOp' =
if T.null input
CalcState acc mOp' input
case readMaybe (unpack input) of
Nothing -> state -- this should be unreachable
Just x -> case mOp of
Nothing -> CalcState x mOp' ""
Just op -> CalcState (runOp op acc x) mOp' ""
displayCalcState :: CalcState -> Text
displayCalcState (CalcState acc _op input) =
if T.null input
then T.pack (show acc)
else input
A more significant difference from Reflex's perspective is that the number pad displayed the application state directly: as the state was already Text
, we could pass it directly to dynText
. However, this time the application state is of type CalcState
. We use displayCalcState
to determine what text should be displayed; we either display the current input, or the accumulator if we have no input. In order to apply displayCalcState
to the result of accumDyn
, we use Dynamic
's instance of Functor
via <$>
tutorial9 :: (DomBuilder t m, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, PostBuild t m) => m ()
tutorial9 = el "div" $ do
numberButtons <- numberPad
bPeriod <- ("." <$) <$> button "."
bPlus <- (Plus <$) <$> button "+"
bMinus <- (Minus <$) <$> button "-"
bTimes <- (Times <$) <$> button "*"
bDivide <- (Divide <$) <$> button "/"
let opButtons = leftmost [bPlus, bMinus, bTimes, bDivide]
bEq <- button "="
bClear <- button "C"
let buttons = leftmost
[ ButtonNumber <$> numberButtons
, ButtonNumber <$> bPeriod
, ButtonOp <$> opButtons
, ButtonEq <$ bEq
, ButtonClear <$ bClear
calcState <- accumDyn updateCalcState initCalcState buttons
text " "
dynText (displayCalcState <$> calcState)
For our final example, we will go beyond the limitations of a traditional four-function calculator, whose feedback was usually limited to a single-row 7-segment display. We will indicate the selected operation by dynamically changing the background color of the button, and deal with cyclic dependencies using the recursive do notation. Instead of collapsing the accumulator and input registers, we'll simply display them both, as if we had a 2-line 7 segment display. And in doing so, the widget's entire state is visually presented to the user; nothing is hidden.
Note, by using recursive do notation, we can reorder the declarations in any way that we see fit: doing so usually reorders HTML tags, but will not change the dynamic relationship between widgets. Thus, it's a mistake to read a Reflex program in an overly imperative way; instead you are declaring behaviors and scoping how they interact with other parts of the system.
tutorial10 :: forall t m. (DomBuilder t m, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, PostBuild t m) => m ()
tutorial10 = el "div" $ do
numberButtons <- numberPad
bPeriod <- ("." <$) <$> button "."
let opState = _calcState_op <$> calcState
bPlus <- opButton Plus "+" opState
bMinus <- opButton Minus "-" opState
bTimes <- opButton Times "*" opState
bDivide <- opButton Divide "/" opState
let opButtons = leftmost [bPlus, bMinus, bTimes, bDivide]
bEq <- button "="
bClear <- button "C"
let buttons = leftmost
[ ButtonNumber <$> numberButtons
, ButtonNumber <$> bPeriod
, ButtonOp <$> opButtons
, ButtonEq <$ bEq
, ButtonClear <$ bClear
calcState <- accumDyn updateCalcState initCalcState buttons
text " "
dynText (T.pack . show . _calcState_acc <$> calcState)
el "br" blank
dynText (_calcState_input <$> calcState)
return ()
opButton :: Op -> Text -> Dynamic t (Maybe Op) -> m (Event t Op)
opButton op label selectedOp = do
(e, _) <- elDynAttr' "button" (pickColor <$> selectedOp) $ text label
return (op <$ domEvent Click e)
pickColor mOp =
if Just op == mOp
then "style" =: "color: red"
else Map.empty
For the final example, we'll add some extra HTML div
s and add class
attributes to a variety of tags in order to make styling the output easier:
tutorial11 :: forall t m. (DomBuilder t m, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m, PostBuild t m) => m ()
tutorial11 = divClass "calculator" $ do
divClass "output" $ dynText $ displayCalcState <$> calcState
buttons <- divClass "input" $ do
(numberButtons, bPeriod) <- divClass "number-pad" $ do
numberButtons <- numberPad
bPeriod <- ("." <$) <$> buttonClass "number" "."
return (numberButtons, bPeriod)
(opButtons, bEq) <- divClass "ops-pad" $ do
let opState = _calcState_op <$> calcState
bPlus <- opButton Plus "+" opState
bMinus <- opButton Minus "-" opState
bTimes <- opButton Times "*" opState
bDivide <- opButton Divide "/" opState
let opButtons = leftmost [bPlus, bMinus, bTimes, bDivide]
bEq <- buttonClass "primary" "="
return (opButtons, bEq)
bClear <- divClass "other-pad" $ do
bClear <- buttonClass "secondary" "C"
_ <- buttonClass "secondary" "+/-"
_ <- buttonClass "secondary" "%"
return bClear
let buttons = leftmost
[ ButtonNumber <$> numberButtons
, ButtonNumber <$> bPeriod
, ButtonOp <$> opButtons
, ButtonEq <$ bEq
, ButtonClear <$ bClear
return buttons
calcState <- accumDyn updateCalcState initCalcState buttons
return ()
opButton :: Op -> Text -> Dynamic t (Maybe Op) -> m (Event t Op)
opButton op label selectedOp = do
(e, _) <- elDynAttr' "button" (("class" =: "primary" <>) <$> (pickColor <$> selectedOp)) $ text label
return (op <$ domEvent Click e)
pickColor mOp =
if Just op == mOp
then "style" =: "background: lightblue"
else Map.empty
Congratulations! You’ve written a simple functional reactive calculator with Reflex!
We hope that you now feel confident in your understanding of Reflex, and are ready to begin working on your own project.
If you have additional time or just want to continue practicing your new Reflex skills, here are some ideas for improvements that you could make to the calculator:
Implement the
buttons. -
Implement "repeat the last operation" when the
button is repeatedly pushed. -
Turn this app into a naive iOS or Android application.
Again, nice work on making it to the end of this tutorial, if you have any additional questions, check out our resources page.
Happy Coding!