
An old Flash game I had to make as a final project for my Grade 12 programming class.

Primary LanguageActionScript


Click the Targets!

This is a Flash game I made as one of the final projects in my Grade 12 programming class. And it was all made with Flash CS5.5. Old-school. :P

Because this was an actual project for me, this repository contains some stuff I wouldn't normally include in my usual mini-projects, like flowcharts and detailed comments and an actual readme file.

Since this was exported by Flash, it exports stuff like this as a webpage, so you can check out the game for yourself here: https://travismadill.github.io/FlashGame/FinalFlashGame.html

Original readme to my programming teacher

This game is basically a point-and-click game where you click on targets that appear randomly in random locations, but there’s a catch! Hands will start appearing and try to take your gun away. They’ll steal your gun if you move your mouse over the hand. You have to try and get your gun back by clicking on the hand and get it back.

By the way, yes I am aware that some things about the hand aren’t 100% functional, but that’s mainly because of major time constraints from this and other classes and my newness (is that a word?) to Flash and all its ins and outs. What I mean is that there would be times when I would not realise that I didn’t put in the “addChild” command to the stage, and get hung up on it for longer than I should have.

By the way, the credit for the backdrops goes to Daniel Horia who is an artist who runs a blog. The fireworks photo credits go to ColourBox. The music used is from (edit: This originally contained copyrighted music, so before posting this, I replaced this with the wind sound from my XNAGame. Y'know, for moodiness). That’s the only name I could find. It sounded like a good fit. Also thanks to SoundJay for their sound effects. And all the drawings are still drawn by me.