Sociafy-- leading to better parties.


What's a great party without great music?

Been to a party where you're having fun, but then that ONE horriblely overplayed song comes on and ruins your day?

Easily accessible webapp that allow guests to have a say in what goes into the playlist! Hosts can log in with their Spotify accounts to create a basic playlist for their big event. Then a code will be distributed and any guest with a code can up-vote or down-vote songs in the playlists. They can also add/recommend songs by either searching on Spotify or Linking via Youtube. Songs down-voted by 75% of the population or higher will be automatically removed from the playlist. Any new songs that are added will not be played until it has at least one up-vote.

Getting Started

Simply go to!


If you don't have a Spotify account, create one first.


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


[THacks2 Project; all are co-authors in this project]


  • Hat tip to Bootstrap
  • Inspiration at THacks2