Just a test repo for Task force project board creation
Note Make sure to create an
queue and a queue that is the name of your AzureWebJobsStorage inside of your AzureWebJobsServiceBus
Get asb-transport CLI
dotnet tool install -g NServiceBus.Transport.AzureServiceBus.CommandLine
Create the endpoint queue
Note Make sure to use the
option if you want to override or do not have theAzureServiceBus_ConnectionString
environment variable set.
asb-transport endpoint create <queue name>
Subscribe to events
asb-transport endpoint subscribe <queue name> <eventtype>
- Reference: Using the Altair GraphQL client IDE
- Altair Download: https://altairgraphql.dev/
- Altair Documentation: https://altairgraphql.dev/docs/
- Altair GitHub Repo: https://github.com/altair-graphql/altair
- GitHub GraphQL schema: https://docs.github.com/en/graphql/overview/public-schema
- Get an access token
- Install and launch Altair
- In the left sidebar, below the Altair logo, click Set Headers. A new window will open.
- In the "Header key" field, enter
. - In the "Header value" field, enter
Bearer TOKEN
, replacingTOKEN
with your token from the first step. - In the "Header key" field, enter
. - In the "Header value" field, enter
- Click Save in the bottom right corner of the window to save your authorization header.
- In the "GraphQL Endpoint" field, enter https://api.github.com/graphql.
- To load the GitHub GraphQL schema, download the public schema.
- In Altair, click on Docs on the top right, then the three dots and Load Schema...
- Select the file public schema that you downloaded in an earlier step.
Before running GitHub CLI commands, you must authenticate by running gh auth login --scopes "project"
. If you only need to read, but not edit, projects, you can provide the read:project
scope instead of project
. For more information on command line authentication, see "gh auth login."
legacy_global_id is is now deprecated, which typically looks like this MDQ6VXNlcjM0MDczMDM=
. There is now a next_global_id that is being used that has a format like PVT_kwHOBTAVOs4ANTT3
. By adding another header to the API call the new next_global_id
can be retrieved.
Instead of doing this command to get the node_id
of an authenticated user
gh api -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" /users/{username}
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjg3MDM3MjQy"
Add this to the API call to get the new next_global_id node_id
gh api -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "X-Github-Next-Global-ID: 1" /users/{username}
"node_id": "U_kgDOBTAVOg"
To create a new project using the API, you'll need to provide a name for the project and the node ID of a GitHub user or organization who will become the project's owner.
You can find the node ID of a GitHub user or organization if you know the username. Replace GITHUB_OWNER
with the GitHub username of the new project owner.
To create the project, replace OWNER_ID with the node ID of the new project owner and replace PROJECT_NAME with a name for the project.
To create the project, replace OWNER_ID
with the node_id
of the new project owner using the new next_global_id
and replace PROJECT_NAME
with a name for the project.
When using powershell and doing a query or mutation make sure to escape the quotation marks "
using a a backslash \
when indicating a String.
gh api graphql -H "X-Github-Next-Global-ID: 1" -f query='mutation{createProjectV2(input:{ownerId:\"U_kgDOBTAVOg\",title:\"TF-Project\"}){projectV2{id}}}'
"data": {
"createProjectV2": {
"projectV2": {
"id": "PVT_kwHOBTAVOs4ANThR"
If you use the legacy_node_id, but include the X-Github-Next-Global-ID: 1
header then the project will get created, but a deprecation warning will show up letting you know that you should use next_global_id
gh api graphql -H "X-Github-Next-Global-ID: 1" -f query='mutation{createProjectV2(input:{ownerId:\"MDQ6VXNlcjg3MDM3MjQy\",title:\"TF-Project\"}){projectV2{id}}}'
"data": {
"createProjectV2": {
"projectV2": {
"id": "PVT_kwHOBTAVOs4ANTjy"
"extensions": {
"warnings": [
"type": "DEPRECATION",
"message": "The id MDQ6VXNlcjg3MDM3MjQy is deprecated. Update your cache to use the next_global_id from the data payload.",
"data": {
"legacy_global_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjg3MDM3MjQy",
"next_global_id": "U_kgDOBTAVOg"
"link": "https://docs.github.com"
gh api graphql -H "X-Github-Next-Global-ID: 1" --raw-field query='query{ user(login:\"{username}\") { projectV2(number: 11) { id } } }'
"data": {
"user": {
"projectV2": {
"id": "PVT_kwHOBTAVOs4ANTT3"
gh api graphql -H "X-Github-Next-Global-ID: 1" --raw-field query='query{ repository(owner:\"TravisNickels\", name:\"TF-Automation\") { issue(number: 1) { id } } }'
"data": {
"repository": {
"issue": {
"id": "I_kwDOJJR3y85mmxkx"
- https://github.com/octokit/octokit.graphql.net
- https://github.com/boblangley/tf-automation
- https://cli.github.com/manual/gh_api
- https://devopsjournal.io/blog/2022/11/28/github-graphql-queries
- community/community#39777
- https://docs.github.com/en/issues/planning-and-tracking-with-projects/automating-your-project/using-the-api-to-manage-projects
- https://api.github.com/users/{username}
- https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/projects.html
- https://www.apollographql.com/blog/graphql/basics/using-the-github-graphql-api-with-apollo-studio-explorer/
- https://graphql.org/
Note test
Tip test
Important test
Warning test
Caution test