
Sample Nextflow workflows intended for use as starting points for more useful workflows.

Primary LanguageNextflow

Nextflow Skeletons

Some simple Nextflow workflows that illustrate common patterns. These are intended to be used as templates for more useful workflows.

About Nextflow

Nextflow provides a language and tools to construct pipelines, composed of arbitrary data and commands, and run them in various environments. See https://nextflow.io for more information and installation instructions.

One of the major advantages of Nextflow (and other, similar systems) is that a workflow can generally run in a variety of environments, such as AWS or a cluster, with very little modification.

Using the Edge Release

If you run into a bug or missing feature, you might try the "edge" release, which is updated more frequently than the default "stable" release. To update, run the following:

export NXF_EDGE=1
nextflow self-update

Anatomy of a Workflow

Each workflow consists of several common files. These are described below.

workflow.nf - this is where the workflow is defined. It is written in a domain specific language (DSL) used by Nextflow to define how data flow from operation to operation.

nextflow.config - this file defines configuration options for different environments (such as local or AWS). Each set of options is called a profile, and this can be set from the command line using the -profile option when running the workflow. The name of this file causes it to be picked up by Nextflow automatically, to use a different name, specify the file with the -config option on the command line.

params.yaml - contains workflow parameters, such as where to find the necessary input files. Parameters can also be set on the command line by using a double dash along with the parameter name (--foo, for example). Specify which params file to use for a given run with the -params-file option.

Running a Workflow

Run a workflow using the nextflow run command:

nextflow run workflow.nf -params-file params.yaml -profile local

AWS Batch

It is possible to run a workflow in AWS using the Batch service. Creating the necessary resources within your AWS account to allow this requires a few steps that are described elsewhere. However, once this is done, there are just two steps required to run any of the workflows in this repo in AWS:

  1. Configure AWS credentials using environment variables
  2. Pass the -profile aws_batch flag to nextflow run

The following environment variables are required:


The last can usually be set to us-east-1. The others can be found in your AWS user settings.


char_count/ - count characters in files and sum the counts. This is a good place to start since the basic patterns on display here are quite common.