- 4
Warning: componentWillReceiveProps has been renamed and is not recommended for use.
#52 opened by JoeToeniskoetter - 6
- 0
Two consecutive redirects leads to blank screen
#49 opened by aertmann - 0
- 3
- 2
FADE_HORIZONTAL not exported
#40 opened by writzx - 0
- 2
White screen on Android using Expo.
#44 opened by Ury18 - 1
Stack with SafeViewArea shows shadow
#43 opened by luisaverza - 0
crashes for no match route
#38 opened by ethanneff - 6
- 1
Animation detail
#28 opened by txs - 2
- 2
- 4
Same component transition
#11 opened by khrizt - 1
Render before push a new page
#18 opened by skywalkerlw - 1
flexDirection issue in stackView styles
#20 opened by skywalkerlw - 1
- 1
Typescript typing supoort
#19 opened by skywalkerlw - 1
Listen for external history event
#32 opened by stevefan1999-personal - 3
Nested stacks
#30 opened by rstuven - 0
- 3
- 3
Animate history.replace()
#14 opened by greenimpala - 1
Disable wiping back through the route stack
#15 opened by tonyneel923 - 2
Updating state/mounting
#3 opened by ThrowJojo - 3
- 3
Feature: Transition per route
#2 opened by ptfly