David Phase 1 Project MVP


The purpose of the app is a cat tracker. A user would be able to create their cat(s). Would use a json server to store information.


Creating the cat (submit) Be able to track medical such as shots (click) Be able to track grooming (click) Baths (click) List the cats (DOMContentLoaded)


Creating the cat (submit) Be able to track medical such as shots (click) List the cats (DOMContentLoaded) Stretch Goals Be able to track grooming (click) Baths (click)

Overview - the purpose of the application is to do create and search cat tracker.

Requirements - what’s required to run your applicatio n (json-server might needReadme to be installed, good to state what node version you have, type node –v in order to figure that out.) How to use - instructions on what to do after they git fork / clone the application. Like load index.html into browser, run json-server –watch db.json in order to run the server to connect to the database. Contributing (optional) - this is how they could contribute to your application if you wanted to make it open source. MIT License (optional) - you can get a MIT license template from the internet. https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/