
The repo for the new and shiny UI-Kit 2.0

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


The UI-Kit for the Australian Government.


How to use

The GOV.AU UI-Kit is distributed through the npm ecosystem and can only be installed through the yarn or npm command. Npm requires node.js and the UI-Kit needs a node.js 5 or higher.

To install a module make sure you have a package.json file in the root of your project folders. (You can generate one by running yarn init or npm init.) Inside your working folder install any module and pancake will make sure you have all assets ready to use.

Run yarn add @gov.au/body or npm install @gov.au/body to install the body module. To install several modules just chain them like:

yarn add @gov.au/body @gov.au/header @gov.au/footer @gov.au/buttons


npm install @gov.au/body @gov.au/header @gov.au/footer @gov.au/buttons

πŸ’‘ You can make the very first install even faster by including the pancake plugins you need:

yarn add @gov.au/pancake-sass @gov.au/body @gov.au/header @gov.au/footer @gov.au/buttons

An even better experience is using Syrup. Install it globally via yarn global add @gov.au/syrup. More info coming soon.

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Checklist and browser support

We use the below checklist to ensure new modules or updates to existing modules have a certain level of quality:


General checks

  • Semantic HTML and non semantic test?
  • No js fallback?
  • SVG fallback, functional without SVG?
  • IE9, IE10, IE11 legacy test
  • IE8 functional test

A11y checks

  • A11y color contrast
  • Keyboard accessible?
  • A11y expert review

CSS / Sass

  • Never nest anything that is not either an overwrite or a child element.
  • font-family and text color on elements that don’t require body
  • Using uikit-space() for spacing everywhere but in font-sizes; no magic numbers
  • No hardcoded colors, use $uikit-colour- vars.
  • Sass focus mixin uikit-outline()
  • Print style sheets


  • var UIKIT = UIKIT || {}; in top?
  • Each module has it's own name-space prefixed with UIKIT e.g.: UIKIT.modulename.function1, UIKIT.modulename.function2
  • Keep public API small, use private functions where you can
  • Export out private function for tests only if( typeof module !== 'undefined' )
  • Export entire module in the end: if( typeof module !== 'undefined' ) { module.exports = UIKIT; } so react can use it.
  • Provide sane defaults for parameters where you can
  • Add jest unit tests where you can
  • Document public API in the readme.


  • dependencies - peerDependencies check
  • Delete/enable js object and settings for pancake plugins

Browser support

All modules have to work on the below browsers:

  • >= IE8
  • All modern browsers 2 version back; one version up

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yarn add @gov.au/core or npm install @gov.au/core

See the visual test file for core
See the readme file for core

No dependencies
yarn add @gov.au/accordion or npm install @gov.au/accordion

See the visual test file for accordion
See the readme file for accordion

β”œβ”€ core
└─ animate

yarn add @gov.au/animate or npm install @gov.au/animate

See the visual test file for animate
See the readme file for animate

No dependencies
yarn add @gov.au/body or npm install @gov.au/body

See the visual test file for body
See the readme file for body

└─ core

yarn add @gov.au/breadcrumbs or npm install @gov.au/breadcrumbs

See the visual test file for breadcrumbs
See the readme file for breadcrumbs

β”œβ”€ core
└─ link-list
   β”œβ”€ core
   └─ body
      └─ core

yarn add @gov.au/buttons or npm install @gov.au/buttons

See the visual test file for buttons
See the readme file for buttons

└─ core

yarn add @gov.au/callout or npm install @gov.au/callout

See the visual test file for callout
See the readme file for callout

└─ core

yarn add @gov.au/control-input or npm install @gov.au/control-input

See the visual test file for control-input
See the readme file for control-input

└─ core

yarn add @gov.au/cta-link or npm install @gov.au/cta-link

See the visual test file for cta-link
See the readme file for cta-link

└─ core

yarn add @gov.au/direction-links or npm install @gov.au/direction-links

See the visual test file for direction-links
See the readme file for direction-links

β”œβ”€ core
└─ body
   └─ core

yarn add @gov.au/footer or npm install @gov.au/footer

See the visual test file for footer
See the readme file for footer

└─ core

yarn add @gov.au/grid-12 or npm install @gov.au/grid-12

See the visual test file for grid-12
See the readme file for grid-12

└─ core

yarn add @gov.au/header or npm install @gov.au/header

See the visual test file for header
See the readme file for header

└─ core

yarn add @gov.au/headings or npm install @gov.au/headings

See the visual test file for headings
See the readme file for headings

└─ core

yarn add @gov.au/inpage-nav or npm install @gov.au/inpage-nav

See the visual test file for inpage-nav
See the readme file for inpage-nav

β”œβ”€ core
└─ link-list
   β”œβ”€ core
   └─ body
      └─ core

yarn add @gov.au/keyword-list or npm install @gov.au/keyword-list

See the visual test file for keyword-list
See the readme file for keyword-list

β”œβ”€ core
└─ link-list
   β”œβ”€ core
   └─ body
      └─ core

yarn add @gov.au/link-list or npm install @gov.au/link-list

See the visual test file for link-list
See the readme file for link-list

β”œβ”€ core
└─ body
   └─ core

yarn add @gov.au/page-alerts or npm install @gov.au/page-alerts

See the visual test file for page-alerts
See the readme file for page-alerts

└─ core

yarn add @gov.au/progress-indicator or npm install @gov.au/progress-indicator

See the visual test file for progress-indicator
See the readme file for progress-indicator

└─ core

yarn add @gov.au/responsive-media or npm install @gov.au/responsive-media

See the visual test file for responsive-media
See the readme file for responsive-media

└─ core

yarn add @gov.au/select or npm install @gov.au/select

See the visual test file for select
See the readme file for select

└─ core

yarn add @gov.au/skip-link or npm install @gov.au/skip-link

See the visual test file for skip-link
See the readme file for skip-link

└─ core

yarn add @gov.au/tags or npm install @gov.au/tags

See the visual test file for tags
See the readme file for tags

└─ core

yarn add @gov.au/text-inputs or npm install @gov.au/text-inputs

See the visual test file for text-inputs
See the readme file for text-inputs

└─ core

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πŸ’‘ Building the UI-Kit is only necessary of you want to contribute to it. If you want to use the modules in your own project, install them via npm as described in How to use.

To build this project you have to install lerna globally after cloning it via yarn global add lerna and run:

yarn bootstrap
yarn build

To make changes to an existing module, cd into the folder and run the watch:

cd packages/body
yarn watch

To add a new module run the scaffolding helper:

npm run scaffolding

❗ After you have filled out all the blanks and added your dependencies into your package.json make sure you run lerna bootstrap again.

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Visual tests have been built into each module and can be seen in either of the README.md files of each module or in the listing above. We have also integrated pa11y for accessibility testing and are using jest for javascript tests.

Run all tests with the npm test script:

yarn test

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Copyright (c) Commonwealth of Australia. Licensed under MIT.

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