
DigitalOcean Kubernetes Challenge - YAML Manifests for ArgoCD

DigitalOcean Kubernetes Challenge - k8s manifests for ArgoCD

  1. Create DigitalOcean Kubernetes (DOKS)


  2. Install ingress controller by 1-CLICK APPS


  3. Setup Github actions for CI

     $ mkdir .github/workflows
     # And then put your CI pipeline.yaml under this folder
  4. Setup ArgoCD for CD


  5. Create bucket for logs


  6. Create secret for fluentd sidecar

     $ kubectl create secret generic fluentd --from-file=fluentd.conf

The fluentd.conf should contain keys for Spaces so there should be a way to handle secret. I just put the sample config in the repo. It is better to handle it with Vault or sth else.

  1. Config ingress and app for ArgoCD

     $ kubectl apply -f argocd/
  2. Deploy fastapi

    Now, you can manually sync it by clicking button. image

  3. Play around the fastapi


  4. See logs are collected to Spaces


Found mistakes?

Feel free to contact me through email in english or chinese.