Packwiz Mod Download Fails - Bug Reproduction

This is an issue that pertains to the Packwiz Installer. The error occurs while running the pre-launch bootstrap.

For some reason, Packwiz does not download BlossomEnderChest 2.0.2+1.20 and its dependency BlossomLib, but it does still download other mods (in this case, ModernFix and Mod Menu).

Other Blossom series mods are not affected.

To run this bug reproduction modpack:

  1. Download the Auto-Updating instance from this repository's releases.
  2. Import it in Prism Launcher.
  3. Run the instance.
  4. When the loader update prompt appears, click "Continue Anyways".
  5. Check the console - it will say BlossomEnderChest and BlossomLib is checked and downloaded..?
  6. The mods aren't even in the mods folder... How peculiar! However, ModernFix and Mod Menu did indeed download properly.