
This is a quote app where users can create an post quotes from their favorite authors. The user can up vote or down vote a quote.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Hi There, I'm Teddy Omondi 👋

Upcoming Junior Software Developer 💻 🎧

Angular Quote App

This is a quote app where users can create an post quotes from their favourite authors. The user can upvote or downvote a quote.

Demo 🔑

Here is a live link to the project


alt text

Usage 🖋

If you want to view the code or change some elements on the website, you are welcomed to clone the project

git clone git@github.com:TrekHub/angular-Quote-App.git

Then run npm install to download all the node modules

npm install

After everything is install. Run ng serve to start the project server

ng serve

Technology Used 💻

  1. Angular

  2. Typescript

  3. Bootstrap

Author 😌

Teddy Omondi

License 🔐