Getting Started

This project is a simple starting point for any next.js applications. It is configured to use tailwind css, typescript, next.js, eslint and prettier.

In order to get started, fork this project, clone the forked repository and run npm install, then run npm run dev to start the development server.


  • npm run dev - Runs the next.js development process
  • npm run build - Runs the next.js build process
  • npm run start - Starts the next.js server in production mode
  • npm run lint - Runs the linter
  • npm run format - Runs prettier to format code


  • pages - This folder contains the source code for each page with _app.tsx and _document.tsx being special files that control global page content.
  • styles - This folder contains all styles for the project
  • components - This folder contains all components for the project
  • _Static - This folder will contain any static code or files for the project