
Conflicts with uBlock Origin (was: Doesn't work on Nightly.)

streetwolf opened this issue · 8 comments

Seems the link doesn't make it into the clipboard therefore there is nothing to paste.

Thanks for reporting! I just installed Nightly 55.0a1 (2017-05-28) (64-bit) on Ubuntu, and it works fine however. Unfortunately I do not know why it does not work for you. Just for clarity, the normal copy is not changed, you have to use the 'copy link to selected text' option from the context menu.

I'd be glad to hear if it persists or if more people have this problem, and whether perhaps any errors are reported on the console. If you or anyone with the issue feels like investigating, a simple thing to test is whether a normal copy is executed (does the text end up in the clipboard). With more effort, in the debugger these things could be tested (a bit of a hassle as code is transpiled&browserified):

  • Is the context menu listener triggered in the background script?
  • Does the content script receive the message from background script?
  • Is the copy event handler invoked?

In a quick test it also worked on articles on and for me. There could however be undiscovered problems with some websites or situations. Also some links may created fine, but the extension might not be able to correctly find the specified text again. It's experimental. :)

I'll close this issue, but feel free to report again if you find specific and reproducable problems.

Ok, I don't know how exactly uBlock Origin interferes, but good you found the cause. I don't think I'll investigate this, but I'll update the issue title; it would be great if you update the title of your review on AMO as well. :)