
The purpose of this project is to build a web application for my professional portfolio using advanced CSS techniques.

View the deployed application by clicking this link.


The goal was to create a visually appealing, accessible and responsive web application using the following advanced CSS techniques:

  • Flexbox
  • media queries
  • CSS variables


The primary technologies used were:

  1. Visual Studio to create HTML and CSS files.
  2. Git Bash command line interface for committing to repository and creating directories.



  • I started this application by creating a wireframe of the mock-up, which helped in identifying how the HTML file would be arranged and styled in CSS.

This is the Mockup


This is the wireframe



  • Relying on the wireframe, I arranged the body of the HTML file into several sections using semantic elements: header, section, footer.
  • The header section included navigation elements linked to the section headings in the body of the application.
  • I incorporated my photo in the About Me section to satisfy that requirement.
  • I used filler text and photos throughout, with the exception of the photo and link for the deployed Run Buddy application.
  • I ended up creating additional divs within each section to apply styling, which greatly increased the amount of coding.


  • The main challenge I faced was time, which was due to a slavish, over-reliance on the mock-up design, which was incredibly difficult to mimic from scratch. As a result, the functionlity suffered, and I ran out of time to incorporate working media queries to make the application responsive. Now I understand the mobile-first approach, which I will try to incorporate earlier in the process to make my applications responsive.
  • Implementing the Flexbox technique was alos challenging, and so I may have overused divs in order to apply functional styling.
  • I did not successfully implement the 'media queries' and 'CSS variables' techniques because I spent so much time on the Flexbox technique.

An example of boxes within boxes


An example of improper application of flex No flex

An example of unresponsive webpage @ 768px width

not responsive


  • I'm looking forward to improving this application in the near future, which will require careful study and practice of the techniques that were not completely or properly deployed as required.


Contributor Covenant


The following resources were used to complete this project:

  1. UCONN Coding Bootcamp's modules on HTML and CSS
  2. Complete Guide to Flexbox [] (
  3. Significant coding for the 'header' and 'footer' and 'media queries' was copied from and/or based on the Run-Buddy project from the UCONNN Coding Bootcamp module on CSS.
