
This is my contribution to the GitHub Archive Program (02/01/2020)

MIT LicenseMIT


Greetings from the year 2020 AD! My name is Trevor, and I'm a software developer.

I have decided to create this repository as part of the GitHub Archive Program, so I may have something to contribute. While I have made other repositories with commits, none of those reflect the personal aspects of my life. I understand this platform was not intended for personal reflections, but given it will be archived for future generations, I could make some kind of meaningful contribution beyond code.

Here are some basic facts about Earth as of 02/01/2020. The global population is around 7.53 billion people (at least that's what Google (a search engine that has become a critical part of everyone's lives) says). In the United States of America (USA), the population is around 327.2 million people. Obviously, I'm not sure how many people will be living on Earth in the future by the time you read this (if anyone ever does), but I can say this much - we're a very diverse people here. Many people, of many backgrounds, races, religions, creeds, and so on. Many people considered good, bad, indifferent, philathropic, greedy, rich, poor, average, and so on. Ultimately, I'm glad to be a human alive in this day and age.

As I write this, I'm reminded of the Voyager program NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration - an entity established by the USA). This program was a means of preparing information regarding Earth, the Human race, our culture and heritages, etc. to share with extraterrestrial beings. This information was inscribed on special types of records (an analog media format popular for storing music and other audio) and with instructions on how to retrieve the information. While I can only hope that this message can be interpreted by you in the future, through natural means or through translation, Voyager gives me hope that you'll be able read this.

As for me, I'm a 23 year old who grew up in Russellville, Kentucky (KY), USA - a small town of about 7,000 people. I currently live in Bowling Green, KY, USA. I attended a university called Western Kentucky University (WKU), where I studied Computer Science. As of today, Computer Science is a relatively young field of science (less than 100 years old when discussing digital computing). Quantum computing is just starting to take hold, but is definitely far from mainstream utilization. Some of the popular computer maufacturers of the day are Apple (they call their computers Macintosh), Dell, HP, Lenovo, and ASUS. There are many other manufacturers out there though. Software wise, Microsoft's Windows operating system is the popular platform for computers today, along with macOS (for Apple's computers), and Linux (a variant of an older set of operating systems called UNIX).

For a career, I work as a Systems Analyst at Logan Aluminum, Inc. We take raw aluminum, and process it into coils which are used to create beverage cans, and other aluminum-based products. As a Systems Analyst, I design software systems and solutions that are used in the manufacturing facility as well as the administrative offices. My primary focuses have Financial and Logistics systems, as well as continuing education management.

I'm currently attending WKU again, only part time though. I'm attempting to obtain a Master's degree in Computer Science. I've been very grateful for the opportunity, and hope to have my degree by Fall 2021.

I don't want to drone on too much more about myself, nor can I really even begin to scratch the surface of what the world is like today, let alone the past thousands of years. But, I want to make this worthwhile. While my hope is for someone - anyone - in the future to open this repository and think "What is all this about?", I understand this may be a pipe dream. But, in case someone does find this someday, please know - we wish you the best.

God bless.

Trevor Brown

"To the makers of code – all worlds, all times"

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