
Generates random tweets based of a specific user's twitter history


  • Python 3.6
  • tweepy
    pip install tweepy


Run the provided install script


This script assumes that you have a virtual environment active. If you are not sure what a virtual environment is, check out this link

If you do not wish to use a virtual environment, then run this command. In general though, a virtual environment is recommended to avoid package version conflicts with other projects.

./install no-venv


If you wish to run the provided tests (albeit, not many), run this command

./install testing

Then you will be able to run the tests

cd src/tests


markov_tweet <twitter_username>
markov_tweet <twitter_username0> <twitter_username1>
markov_tweet <twitter_username> -k <1 | 2 | 3>
markov_tweet -h


markov_tweet realDonaldTrump -k 2
==================  Tweet from realDonaldTrump --> key_len: 2 ==================

I never said for years (I said no), is now on Island. Food and water on site. @realDonaldTrump
Post to twitter? (Y/n): y
Posting to twitter...

Multiple usernames can be combined to generate a tweet from the combined markov chain from both users

markov_tweet realDonaldTrump officialjaden -k 1

=========  Tweet from realDonaldTrump and officialjaden --> key_len: 1 =========

Have the Global Retail Launch Any Magazine Ever Ready? @realDonaldTrump @officialjaden
Post to twitter? (Y/n): y
Posting to twitter...

Example on twitter

Here is a link to the twitter account that I linked the program to from my laptop. Your version will not be able to tweet directly from this account, since tweeting directly from code requires a dev twitter account (free to set up) as well as an API key (also free to set up).

If you are interested in setting one up for yourself, check out these links:


  • Prune out the Rt tag
  • Add option to store generated tweets
  • Add option to tweet a previously generated tweet
  • Add tests
  • Fix the installed package name