STM32CUBE IDE X-CUBE-AI project version for STM32F4 Discovery based on ST HAR-CNN Keras model

Primary LanguageC

CUBEMX-AI Demo on STM32F4 Discovery

I wanted to see how the performance of a pre=trained HAR-CNN would look on my SMT32F4 disco SDK just because its the only one I had that had enough resources to run the HAR model from ST's demo.

This project is based on the STM32 CUBEMX-AI tutorial found here

It uses the pre-trained Keras (TensorFlow) model found here the project is set up on USART3, this SDK does not have an RS232 transceiver or Virtual COM port, so I added a USB/TTL dongle for that.

My Dev environment is:

  • Windows 7
  • STM32CUBEIDE Version 1.0.1
  • STM32CubeMX Version 5.2.1
  • X-CUBE-AI 3.4.0
  • STM32CUBE HAL FW_F4_V1.24.1

Note: The STM32IDE does not correctly add all the required paths, for this project I had to manually add these paths in the C/C++ Paths and symbols of the Project settings, I decided to use the paths to the project files and not the STM32 Install location in order to make this porject more portable, in case you have build problems, just re-point these paths as the IDE does not add these as relative paths:

  • C:\Users...\STM32CubeIDE\workspace_1.0.0\AI_STM32F4DISCO\Drivers\CMSIS\DSP\Include
  • C:\Users...\STM32CubeIDE\workspace_1.0.0\AI_STM32F4DISCO\Middlewares\ST\AI\AI\data
  • C:\Users...\STM32CubeIDE\workspace_1.0.0\AI_STM32F4DISCO\Middlewares\ST\AI\AI\include
  • C:\Users...\STM32CubeIDE\workspace_1.0.0\AI_STM32F4DISCO\Middlewares\ST\Application\Validation\Inc

For interest , here is the build sizes for my version:

arm-none-eabi-objdump -h -S AI_STM32F4DISCO.elf > "AI_STM32F4DISCO.list"

text data bss dec hex filename

874084 1680 59008 934772 e4374 AI_STM32F4DISCO.elf

Performance: Dismal ;-)

Here is a summary the Output Log...

ON-DEVICE STM32 execution ("network", COM4, 115200)..

Results for 10 inference(s) @168/168MHz (macc:874970)

duration : 62.976 ms (average)

CPU cycles : 10579924 (average)

cycles/MACC : 12.09 (average for all layers)

Validating criteria: L2 relative error < 0.01 on the output tensor

Ref layer 6 matched with C layer 6, error: 0.0010825497

Validation: OK