Trevor Day //
Code to create the Singularity container for ILI ROI creation and processing.
The steps are to:
: Create the mixed ROIs for a given source ROI.analysis
: For each of those mixed ROIs, create a seedmap and calculate its laterality.ili
: From the results ofanalysis
, calculate the ILI for all available results.
This repository relies on a second repository as a submodule. When cloning for the first time, run the following code (see this StackOverflow answer).
git submodule update --recursive --remote
The container itself requires Git Large File Storage.
To get the .sif
git lfs fetch
git lfs checkout
The container requires two bind points: the input ROI and the location to save the created crossotopes to.
The directory containing the ROI gets bound to /roi
and the outputs to
. The name of the file must still be passed to the container
with --input_roi
. The output directory does not.
# This is done to make sure too many ROIs aren't created
rm -rf ${roi_outputs}
mkdir -p ${roi_outputs}
singularity run \
-B data/example_roi/:/roi \
-B ${roi_outputs}:/roi_outputs \
my_img.sif roi \
--input_roi /roi/${roi_name} \
-n 10
The ROI creation:
- Creates a mirror of your input on the right hemisphere. (Needs update to start in the right hemisphere.)
- Generates
for each value ofnrh
between 1 and the total size of your ROI. So if you ask for-n 10
repeats of a 100-greyordinate ROI, you will create 100 ROIs. - The
are mapped ontodlabel
files (infsLR32k
space: needs update to add164k
space). - The
s are split into left/rightlabel.gii
files. Only the GIFTIs are saved from all this processing: You don't need any of the other files.
|- rois_permute_ROI.R
The analysis works best using derivatives from the DCAN Labs ABCD pipelines.
The analysis flow requires a lot more bind points. From top to bottom:
- The session-level directory containing the
, and motion.mat
file. (TO DO: Use no.mat
file). - The ROIs created using the ROI flow above.
- The Matlab runtime.
is known to work with this code. - The JSON configuration file for the analysis parameters (see below).
- The directory to save the output CSV to. One CSV per session.
Additionally, the midthickness
files must be including if smoothing is
The options to the container itself are more self-explanatory.
- The positional arguments are the input
file and its associated motion.mat
file. --roi_dir
takes the path to the ROIs and figures out how many there are.--n_samples
is how many ROIs to use (e.g. if the ROI is 500 greyordinates, you don't have to use them all). The default value is 100.- The path to the Matlab binary (
), since I can't package it in the container. - The path to the Matlab runtime (
). - The path to the JSON config file, which should be bound to the container
). - Finally, the
is prepended to the results, e.g.foobar_results.csv
Example code:
singularity run \
-B ${ex_sub}/:/session/ \
-B container_rois/:/input_rois/ \
-B ${MRE}:/matlab/ \
-B config.json:/config.json \
-B container_output:/output/ \
my_img.sif analysis \
--roi_dir /input_rois \
--n_samples 100 \
--matlab "$(which matlab)" \
--MRE /matlab \
--json_config /config.json \
--label foobar \
/session/${dtseries} \
All options regarding the processing itself (e.g. motion limits, minute limits) are included in a configuration JSON file, see below. This also makes the CLI options less overwhelming to navigate.
# Values for seedmap wrapper
"fd_threshold": 0.2, # Threshold in mm
"smoothing_kernel": 0, # Smoothing kernel in mm
# 0 = none
"max_minutes": 10, # Minutes to sample from dtseries
# 0 = no limit
"remove_outliers_yn": 1, # Whether to remove outliers (0/1)
"z_transform_yn": 1 # Whether to Z-transform results (0/1)
# Thresholds for determining laterality
"cluster_value_min": 0.4 # Value to threshold map at
"cluster_surf_area_min": 10, # Minimum cluster size to keep
# (mm^2)
Default values are those listed in example above. NB: You can't include comments in actual JSON files.
singularity run \
-B ${ex_sub}/:/session/ \
-B container_rois/:/input_rois/ \
-B ${MRE}:/matlab/ \
-B config.json:/config.json \
-B container_output:/output/ \
my_img.sif analysis \
--roi_dir /input_rois \
--n_samples 100 \
--matlab "$(which matlab)" \
--MRE /matlab \
--json_config /config.json \
--label foobar \
/session/${dtseries} \
files with less than 10 minutes of good data will be run; the output
files have a different name than those that met the criterion.
Files with less than 30 s of good data will not be run at all.
Currently, the no-transformation option isn't complete. Keep it set to 1.
|- Cifti_conn_matrix_to_corr_dt_pt
- ROI creation: With 16 GB RAM: 7-8 minutes for 490 total ROIs (1 s/ROI, or 61 ROIs/minute).
- Analysis: With 56 GB RAM: 20 minutes for 100 samples (12 s/ROI or 5 samples per minute).
The analysis
step above creates one CSV per session with the actual L/R
values for possible futher computation. The subcommand ili
takes a
single-level directory of n
CSVs and returns a single CSV with n
rows with the name of the file and the computed ILI value.
singularity run crossotope.sif ili input_dir output.csv
The maximum size of each ROI will be estimated by the largest value in the
results. Technically, n
values are sampled between {1..size}
, which means
this doesn't affect the values materially, especially for n
in the hundreds.
You can suppy a JSON file with the max size of each ROI, that takes the simple format:
"roi1": 100,
"roi2": 150
The motion exclusion results for every framewise displacement (FD)
threshold between 0.0 and 0.5 mm (in steps of 0.01 mm)
are provided in the ABCD HCP pipeline .mat
files. This makes it easy to
extract the amount of data that were used in each analysis post hoc.
The command below extracts from a single .mat
file and FD threshold the following values:
TR (in seconds), frames remaining, seconds remaining (i.e. TR times frames remaining), and the
mean FD of the remaining frames.
singularity run crossotope.sif fd [mat file] [fd]
This code should be run on a list of .mat
files. Future versions will incorporate output of FD
statistics as part of analysis
, but hasn't been integrated yet.
- Seed map wrapper development: Robert Hermosillo, Greg Conan
- Testing and development: Maryam Mahmoudi