
My DWM Build

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


My entire window manager build. Alacritty config nvim config picom config


  1. clone the repo
  2. cd inside dwm
  3. sudo make install
  4. cd inside dwmblocks
  5. sudo make install
  6. For Neovim, Alacritty & Picom, make sure to add files to .config directory

Putting All Together

Once make install for dwm & dwm blocks is complete, we need a way to activate these programs

  1. in home dir (~) if .xinitrc file doesn't exist, create one (touch .xinitrc).
  2. inside .xinitrc add the following 2 lines to the end of file.
    dwmblocks & exec dwm

Once that is done you can type "startx" into a terminal & your window manager will be ready to go.

Patches Used

  1. Cycle Layouts - switch between all layouts with (Mod+ctrl+,) or (Mod+ctrl+.)
  2. Full Gaps - add gaps between windows as well as around edges of screen
  3. Hide Vacant Tags - hide unused workspaces to avoid seeing numerous unused tags
  4. Steam - stops steam login window from sliding around


  • Mod + return (spawn terminal)
  • Mod + shift + return (swap windows)
  • Mod + Shift + c (close window)
  • Mod + Shift + q (quit DWM)
  • Mod + p (spawn rofi)
  • Mod + o (spawn code)
  • Mod + u (spawn Spotify)
  • Mod + ctrl + (, or .) cycle layouts


If changes are desired, you can edit config.def.h. For changes to take effect, remove config.h then while inside dwm repo type "sudo make install".


It is worth mentioning I am using alacritty for my terminal & rofi for application searching. If you want the commands for terminal and rofi to work these must be installed (sudo pacman -S rofi) (sudo pacman -S alacritty) otherwise you will need to change inside of source config.def.h. Finally