
Inline GraphViz widget for the web.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An inline and embeddable GraphViz widget for the web. Based on the GraphViz port Viz.js by mdaines. See the Demo or see it working live in a Blog Post.

To determine whether to use inviz-lite or inviz-full, see here.

Usage as a script:

The lite version (dot only / smaller size):

<script src='https://trevorsundberg.github.io/inviz/inviz-lite-1.0.0.js'
  a -> b

The full version (neato/dot etc.):

<script src='https://trevorsundberg.github.io/inviz/inviz-full-1.0.0.js'
        data-options='{ "engine": "neato" }'
  a -> b

The attributes are:

  • data-graph: The dot language.
  • data-graph-url: Alternative url that points to a graph file with the dot language *.gv.
  • data-options: A json string described here.

Usage as an iframe:

Be sure to escape reserved characters such as & ? # etc.

Sandboxed lite version:

<iframe src='https://trevorsundberg.github.io/inviz/inviz-lite-1.0.0.htm?inviz-graph=
  a -> b
' sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>

Sandboxed full version:

<iframe src='https://trevorsundberg.github.io/inviz/inviz-full-1.0.0.htm
             ?inviz-options={ "engine": "neato" }&inviz-graph=
  a -> b
' sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>

The url parameters:

  • inviz-graph: The dot language.
  • inviz-graph-url: Alternative url that points to a graph file with the dot language *.gv.
  • inviz-options: A json string described here.

Usage with Gists / Raw Files

As a convenience, you can use the data-graph-url attribute or inviz-graph-url parameter to point directly to a raw Gist or file e.g. from a GitHub repository. Using the following Gist as an example: https://gist.github.com/TrevorSundberg/0d7344511320dd4bdf83f70715da8373

Embedding as a script:

<script src="https://trevorsundberg.github.io/inviz/inviz-lite-1.0.0.js"

Embedding as an iframe (encode the url characters if needed):

<iframe src='https://trevorsundberg.github.io/inviz/inviz-lite-1.0.0.htm?inviz-graph-url=

Note that you can actually remove the commit ID and filename from the Raw url and it will always display the latest version.

For example the full url was:


Removing /49c12d9a0f1a8865d8d0ee3bc3a343ae6ea63883/demo.gv and we get:


Therefore the graphs will dynamically update as you update the Gist (must wait 5 minutes for the GitHub servers to flush the cached raw file). Obviously you can link to a specific commit if needed.

Html / Styling

The embedded script will replace itself with a div. All attributes that you applied to the script (including id, class, style, etc.) will be copied to the div and the script will be removed. When the graph rendering completes, it produces an svg which is then attached under the div.


Any id given to the script will be also given to the generated div, therefore you can find the div and listen for events.

  • graphload: Fired when the graph finishes loading. The event has two members, div and svg, which both point at the corresponding DOM elements.