
this is the code and slides for the final project of the Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree

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The data I used was the Prosper Loan dataset. I wanted to see what kinds of loans Prosper typically dealt with and what their terms normally were. In this exploration I examined the types of loans and what affected interest rates.


After a look at the Data it appears that Prosper typically is involved in debt consolidation loans. In fact over half of their loans in this set were of that type.

Comparing the typical expected return of debt consolidations to all other loans showed that Prosper expects to make more money on these loans than all other types on average. Makes sense why they are offering more of these loans than any other

When looking at what affects interest rates I was able to see that the loan amount plays big role in the APR, especially at higher amounts

The other things that affect the borrowers APR are things like credit score, bank card utilization and debt to income ratio.

Being a homeowner had mixed effects on APR as it makes your debt to income ratio higher and can make your APR higher but when compared with employment status being a homeowner almost always led to a lower rate.