
Use OCR and AI's staff spectrum reading program.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


介绍 Introductions

利用OCR和AI的五线谱读谱程序OMR(Optical music recognition)。

An OMR (Optical music recognition) project that used OCR and AI.


I usually update in the develop branch first, and remember to check.

软件架构 Software Architecture


Now, we don't have this.

Coming soon......

安装教程 Installation Tutorial


Now, we don't have this.

  1. xxxx
  2. xxxx
  3. xxxx

使用说明 Instruction For Use


Now, we don't have this.

  1. xxxx
  2. xxxx
  3. xxxx

参与贡献 Participatory Contributions


Now, we don't have this.

  1. Fork 本仓库
  2. 新建 Feat_xxx 分支
  3. 提交代码
  4. 新建 Pull Request

参考说明 Reference Description

  1. 参考了github上sheetVision项目(used by mit license)

    I've referred to the project sheetVision on the GitHub.(used by mit license)

  2. 同步ASTF库

    This project will synchronize with the project audio_scoreTransFormat.

  3. 将会参考gitee上 万花 Kaleido 项目(will use by Apache2.0 license)

    I'll refer to the project Kaleido's logging model on the Gitee.(will use by Apache2.0 license)

  4. 参考了github上orchestra项目(used by mit license)

    I've referred to the project orchestra on the GitHub.(used by mit license)

关于作者及协议 About Author and License

  1. 作者:诸葛亮与八卦阵 qq:474037765@qq.com

    Author: bgArray QQ(email):474037765@qq.com

  2. 本项目暂时采用GPL3.0开源协议,但是有许多增补之处,后期可能会更换,使用请遵守;如果需要特别使用授权,请联系作者。

    The project adopts the GPL3.0 for the time being, but there are many additions, which may be changed later.

    Please abide by the use; If you need special use authorization, please contact the author.

  3. 值得注意的是,协议文件中增添了许多规定,如果你想使用本项目,记得去看License_Addition.md或者找作者了解相关信息。

    It is worth noting that many provisions have been added to the agreement document. If you want to use this project, remember to see License_Addition.md or find the author for relevant information.

  4. 欢迎任何喜欢程序、音乐的人来加入开发或反馈问题或加入讨论。

    Welcome anyone who likes program or coding or music to join me and feedback questions and bugs.

  5. 欢迎加入TriMO组织开发!

    Welcome to join TriM organization!