This is a repository to the discord bot ho generate standard and random settings seed. It's used on my discord channel : Join
After cloning :
- Run
script to initialize submodules and copy random settings generator inside rando and settings - Create .env from .env.example and insert your Token,
channelid where the bot can answer(REPLACED), rom path and output path (need to be empty or it will send and delete your files).
Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt
to install dependencies
Run python3
to start bot
First you need to link a channel:
!set_channel (#your channel)
Then, the bot can answer to !help
Can be used in multiple servers in the same time
Import a settings file with attachements or url !generate import url
or !generate
if you upload a settings file
Fixing some bugs
Generation logs now given after generation and can tell you if the generation contain errors
Color status :
Red = Fatal error during generation
Yellow = May be unbeatable
Blue = Still Ok
Green = No errors
Grey = No spoil/No logs
Of course, it can spoil... So I add a new opt:
!generate [Settings] [N/A, SString or a url] [Something different than "True" will activate "no logs spoils" opt]
Example: !generate random N/A f
Another: !generate custom aSString false
Another one: !generate import https://some.url/to/a/file true