- 2
Crash in the new version
#90 opened by nickbit - 5
- 5
keepLeftInset issues with iOS 11
#88 opened by simonsmiley64 - 3
Add support for UILayoutGuide
#72 opened by Tricertops - 1
how to make subview center with offset?
#86 opened by passol1988 - 4
why wrong?
#84 opened by hongzhewudi - 5
Migration to Swift
#77 opened by Tricertops - 3
- 4
- 4
iOS 10 issue with animations
#82 opened by AncAinu - 8
Trouble with CocoaPods 1.0
#79 opened by K-Be - 1
Update CocoaPods trunk
#78 opened by AncAinu - 2
Adding more support for swift
#76 opened by AncAinu - 1
Set Proportional Width / Height To Another View
#71 opened by RuCray - 1
- 2
What's wrong with the cocoaPods .
#69 opened by laziestlee - 2
Shortcuts for constraints with multiplier value
#67 opened by a-voronov - 2
KeepLayout add LDProgressView BLANK
#64 opened by sd1435728 - 2
- 5
- 14
Update the version in cocoapods
#61 opened by K-Be - 3
- 6
Issue with swift
#50 opened by AncAinu - 2
Constraint installation issue
#34 opened by AncAinu - 3
issue with object.keepWidthTo(self.view)
#55 opened by ferreol - 6
Is there a way to get the constant ?
#63 opened by pikaboo - 1
This is the best library ever!
#57 opened by pikaboo - 2
Expression is not an integer constant expression
#62 opened by b9AobJ - 5
- 1
- 2
Shouldn't update the Cocoapods/Specs
#48 opened - 2
Weird behavior with keepLayoutView
#53 opened by AncAinu - 2
- 5
1.6.0 is still not on cocoapods
#52 opened by akashkamboj - 1
OSX support, yet again
#51 opened by aspcartman - 1
Update CocoaPods version
#49 opened by marcelosalloum - 8
Pod version update
#43 opened by ivan-ushakov - 2
View bottom to another view center Y
#44 opened by ivan-ushakov - 4
Plan for 1.4.0
#45 opened by Tricertops - 1
Animation delay with layout
#46 opened by ivan-ushakov - 2
OSX support
#35 opened by aspcartman - 5
Roadmap for Swift
#40 opened by duemunk - 3
Bug with keepWidthTo
#31 opened by AncAinu - 7
Need to use [view.keepInsets remove] before removeFromSuperview to complete uninstall constraints
#42 opened by duemunk - 5
- 1
Do percentage insets
#28 opened by AncAinu - 2
Removal of KeepAttributes
#29 opened by haabaato - 1
- 3
- 3
Build Failed iOS 6 SDK with KeepLayout 1.2.1
#26 opened by FelipeDocil