
Collection of additions to Swift that I use in every project.

Primary LanguageSwiftThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Swift Toolbox

I don’t expect anyone to like this or use this, stuff here can be very opinionated.

Some examples:
  • Bool constants yes and no.

  • Postfix testing operators optional.? and isEnabled.!.

  • Literal suffixes 45° for angles and 75% for percentages.

  • Literal suffixes 5.min, 30.sec, and 300.ms for time intervals.

  • Operators ++ and -- without undefined behavior.

  • Deprecated integer division, 10/3 now correctly returns 3.333....

  • Operators for powers 2^^5 and roots √2.

  • Extended String interpolation for formatting numbers:

    "Automatic: \(x, .pretty)"  // same as %g in printf() 
    "Fixed: \(pi, 3))"  // 3.142
    "Degrees: \(pi, (°))"  // 180°
    "Percents: \(opacity, %, 1))"  // 42.5%
  • Building system for date formats with automatic localization:

    dateFormatter.format = .localized([.time, .weekday, .day, .month])  // "h:mm a eeee, d MMMM"
    dateFormatter.format = .exact([.day(.padded), .slash, .month(.paddedNumber)])  // "dd/MM"
  • NumberFormatter and DateFormatter support in String interpolation:

    "Today is \(now, localized: .weekday)."  // specifying format ad-hoc
    "Since \(date, formatter)."  // using custom formatter object
    "Result is \(result, localized: 0...3)"  // formatted up to 3 fractional digits
    "Total \(total, formatter)."  // using custom formatter object
  • Assertion operator that throws custom Error and generic Assert error that captures context:

     let first = try array.first !! Assert("List must not be empty.")
     try value > 0 !! Assert("Value must be positive.")
     try number.isFinite !! EncodingError.invalidValue
  • Construction of URL from String literal:

    let link: URL = "https:​//apple.com"
    let app: URL = "/Applications/Xcode.app"
  • Simple constructors for Timers:

    Timer.after(10.sec) { ... }
    Timer.every(10.sec) { ... }
  • Simple observation of Notifications:

    let observation = UIApplication.didBecomeActiveNotification.observe { notification in
        // Handle observation.
  • Multiple equality testing:

    direction == (.up | .down)  // direction is either up or down
    string.contains("+" & "-")  // string contains both plus and minus signs
  • Property wrapper for clamping values @Clamped(0...1) or @Clamped(0...), also works on Optional values.

  • Property wrapper @UserDefault with proper semantics, supports for enums, and observation of changes.