How-to Guide

This repo is about a system, which is automatically detect the motorcylist without a helmet. There is a website to run demo as below.

Dataset used

The dataset used for training was taken from track 5 of AI CITY CHALLENGE competition.

Serving models

Create a conda enviroment, and activate your enviroment. This project was doned in python version 3.9

conda create -n helmet_demo python=3.9 -y
conda activate helmet_demo

Install all the packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

Start your server by running the following commands:

cd Detecting-Violation-of-Helmet-Rule-for-Motorcyclists-/
uvicorn main:app --host --port 3000

Output of terminal output of terminal

Run user interface

By clicking into file index.html, login with email and password admin . You are ready to go. Here is quick view of UI.

Login Screen

Login Screen

Main Screen Main Screen

Image Predict Image

Video Demo (Click to see)

Watch the video