Improving Acoustic Word Embeddings through Correspondence Training of Self-supervised Speech Representations

Primary LanguagePython

Self-supervised speech models for AWEs!

EACL 2024 - Improving Acoustic Word Embeddings through Correspondence Training of Self-supervised Speech Representations

Download data

Download force-aligned dataset (timestamps, word list):
Option 1: From drive : MLS_force_aligned
Option 2:

# Make sure you have git-lfs installed (https://git-lfs.com)
git lfs install
git clone https://huggingface.co/datasets/Trikaldarshi/MLS_AWE

Download corresponding speech corpora: https://www.openslr.org/94/
Note: for english speech corpora, please download the partaa only (due to huge amount of data): https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/mls/mls_english_parts_list.txt


If you want to force align the dataset yourself, you may use the following commands to do so via MFA toolkit
Please arrange the datafiles in the required format used in mfa directory structure. You may use the code in python prepare_data.py with some modification to do that.

conda activaet mfa ## create an environment with MFA toolkit installed
mfa models download acoustic english_mfa
mfa models download dictionary english_us_mfa

mfa align --clean ....your path/MLS_processed/mls_english/train/ english_us_mfa english_mfa ....your path/MLS_force_aligned/mls_english/train/ --output_format=csv --beam 100 --retry_beam 400
mfa align --clean ....your path/MLS_processed/mls_english/dev/ english_us_mfa english_mfa ....your path/MLS_force_aligned/mls_english/dev/ --output_format=csv --beam 100 --retry_beam 400
mfa align --clean ....your path/MLS_processed/mls_english/test/ english_us_mfa english_mfa ....your path/MLS_force_aligned/mls_english/test/ --output_format=csv --beam 100 --retry_beam 400

Create conda environment

conda create --name myenv --file spec-file.txt

Prepara metadata for training

Already prepared metadata is available at in /metadata folder OR
Use the code python prepare_metadata.py to get train_metadata.csv, dev_metadata.csv, and test_metadata.csv for all the langauges separately. Change the paths in the code for various languages.

Extract and store SSL features

With context

For HuBERT: python extract_ssl.py @config_files/extract_hubert.txt, For Wav2vec: python extract_ssl.py @config_files/extract_wav2vec2.txt, For WavLM: python extract_ssl.py @config_files/extract_wavlm.txt

Without context

For HuBERT: python extract_ssl_woc.py @config_files/extract_hubert.txt, For Wav2vec: python extract_ssl_woc.py @config_files/extract_wav2vec2.txt, For WavLM: python extract_ssl_woc.py @config_files/extract_wavlm.txt


python extract_mfcc.py @config_files/extract_mfcc.txt

Run AE and CAE models for various input features

For HuBERT: python cae.py @config_files/cae_hubert.txt, For wav2vec2: python cae.py @config_files/cae_wav2vec2.txt, For WavLM: python cae.py @config_files/cae_wavlm.txt, for MFCC: python cae.py @config_files/cae_mfcc.txt

Similarly for AE models.


Change the --metadata_file path with woc (without context features) and wc (with context) in /config_files/cae** or /config_files/ae**

Evaluate the models

python eval_awe.py @config_files/eval_awe.txt


Change the --model_weights and --metadata_file according to Langauge and Model you want to evalaute for word-discrimination task.

Evaluate with pooling mechanism:

python pooling_eval.py, please change the metadata_filepath inside the code as per your need.