
WorldWind Library and Example code for the Android framework.

Primary LanguageJava


WorldWind Library and Example code for the Android framework.

This repository contains the updates to the NASA WorldWind library for the Android mobile OS. The Library has updated with some bugfixing (XML parsing and other small issues), and with the support for new layers.

  • CompassLayer to display a Compass (that dinamically rotates and tilts) in the upper right corner of the view.
  • ScalebarLayer to display a Scalebar in the bottom part of the view.
  • SkyGradientLayer to display the Sky in the three dimensional environment. This layer has a nice visual impact when looking at the horizon.
  • WMSTiledImageLayer to display an arbitrary WMS layer. See the application example.
  • WorldMapLayer to display a WorldMap thumbnail in the upper left part of the view which shows where in the world the user is looking at.

** We fixed the "Tablets only" support. Now textures used are PKM (ETC1) that are widely supported in mobile devices. DDS support is still in the library but is not enabled by default and in the demo application. It requires API 15+


The project WorldWindowApplicationSample contains a full and working example of how to use the new layers. The folder WorldDroidDemoApp contains a ready to install apk with the latest version of the application.



Author: Nicola Dorigatti (Trilogis Srl)

Screen Screen Screen

Further information and screenshots can be found at our website

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