
Pull request merge does not trigger

dlubitz opened this issue · 8 comments

If I merge a pull request of a feature into a target branch via bitbucket, this does not tigger a team city build. It needs a follow up commit in any branch, to trigger team city.

Would be good if the the plugin could also trigger team city in case of a merge into the target branch.


I do. I have multiple feature branches and on development branch. I like just to build after I've merged a PR into the development or if I commit into the development directly.

As branch filter I've configured:


This works fine with direct commits but not with merged PRs.


Build Configurations:

  • master: vcsRoot
  • feature: vcsRoot
  • Custom Branch: development => vcsRoot

Ok, thanks. I'll check this.

So after that teamcity handles all the build or not

That works also after a new commit after the merge. Just the merge itself is not triggering the build.

it works, because the check ofr changes detect new changes. we dont have any logic in the bitbucket side to filter merge commits. you should see in the bitbucket log that after each merge and check for changes command is sent by the hook. what teamctiy does after that i cannot control

Ok, thanks