
Try to fire the hook for refs/pull-requests/.*/merge

dzwicker opened this issue · 4 comments

Bitbucket creates a commit for every PR where the PR is already merged. The ref for this commit is refs/pull-requests/<pr-number>/merge. I have created a rule

"4bba60c1-710a-449e-8481-1704fb4aa0d5": {
        "regex": "refs/(pull-requests/.*)/merge",
        "target": "eservice_backend_EServiceV3prTest_GradleBuildUnitTest",
        "type": "build",
        "triggerOnEmptyBranches": true,
        "triggerOnPullRequest": false,
        "cancelRunningBuilds": false,
        "triggerInclusion": "",
        "triggerExclusion": "",
        "downStreamTriggerType": "build",
        "downStreamTriggerDescription": "",
        "downStreamTriggerTarget": ""

But this seams not to work.

yes, branch defs in TC are set. In TC i can trigger the branch manually.

Can this be a problem of this special branch. It is only managed by bitbucket. The user pushes its feature branch and creates a PR and bitbucket create/updates the refs/pull-requests/<pr-number>/merge.

So the listeners of the plugin are not notified?

Ok. bitbucket doesn't trigger the plugin for this kind of branches