
Plain JS Joystick ES6 class

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


FlexJoystick is a plain JavaScript ES6 class that is used to add interactable joysticks to the websites.

What FlexJoystick is capable of?
  • 3 types of joysticks:
    1. Classic round Joysticks;
    2. Wide joysticks;
    3. Long joysticks;
  • the type of joystick is determined automatically based on the parent container dimensions;
  • multiple joysticks of different types can be used on the same page without interference;
  • the type of the joystick is automatically determined by the size of the holding container;
  • both touch and mouse events are supported;
  • event listeners are specified by user which allows for a flexible control;
  • joysticks size can be changed without page reload;
  • joysticks design can be updated using JavaScript;
  • by default stick returns to zero when not touched, but there is a flag to keep position;
  • 4 different joystick coordinates are available to read at any given time:
    • X coordinate of the center of the stick;
    • Y coordinate of the center of the stick;
    • radius of trigger event position (mouse click or touch) from the center of the joystick;
    • radius angle;
  • current stick direction can be read in a couple of different direction modes;
  • programmable activation threshold prevents false direction signals on touch events;
  • there is a "return to center" animation for a stick that can be enabled by 3 lines of code.

This is the default Joysticks design you can expect (it can be changed using JS):

default design

You can play around with live examples here.

This project is open to use and improve by anyone.

How to use

Add joystick to the web page

To do that you need to have a div object that will be a parent to the joystick. These lines will add the joysticks visuals to the page:

    let joystick = new FlexJoystick("parentDivName");

This will draw the joystick on the screen. Joystick will inherit dimensions of the parent object so don't forget to specify desired height and width when creating a parent div. Joystick type will be chosen automatically based on the parent dimensions.

How joystick type is determined

If div's height is bigger than width more than 1.4 times you will have a "long" joystick, if opposite is true you will have a "wide" one. In all other cases you will have a "round" joystick. "Round" Joystick will have the diameter equal to the smallest of parent dimensions and will be centered vertically and horizontally in the parent object.

Enable mouse interactions

At this point joystick is a static object. To make it work as intended you will need to add event handlers.

How joystick event handlers work

Joystick Class provides 6 event handle methods:

  • handleMouseDown(event);
  • handleMouseMove(event);
  • handleMouseUp(event, returnToCenter);
  • handleTouchStart(event);
  • handleTouchMove(event);
  • handleTouchEnd(event, returnToCenter).

If joystick need to handle mouse clicks you should enable first 3 handlers, if you need to work with touches - last 3. You can enable all 6 events at the same time if needed.

To enable handler you should call addEventListener function for a particular event type and call corresponding method inside. After that joystick should start working as intended.

Here is the most basic example of mouse handling:

document.getElementById("parentDivName").addEventListener("mousedown", function(event){
}, false);

document.addEventListener("mousemove", function(event){
}, false);

document.addEventListener("mouseup", function(event){
    joystick.handleMouseUp(event, true);

It is important to note that "mousedown" handler is registered only for tha parent object - when we click on the joystick. Two other handlers are registered for the whole document, so that we can control the stick even when we are out of boundaries of the parent object. If needed handlers can be registered differently, but this is a go to way at the beginning.

handleMouseUp method has a second parameter - returnToCenter. If it is set to true stick will return to center after mouse up. If it is set to false stick will hold it place even after mouse is up.

At this point you have a joystick that works with mouse. But it still doesn't give you any type of data to work with.

Read the coordinates from the Joystick

Joystick coordinate system starts from the center of the parent object and has 4 different coordinates:

  1. X coordinate of the center of the stick in pixels;
  2. Y coordinate of the center of the stick in pixels;
  3. radius to the event source position (mouse click or touch) from the center of coordinate system. It has normalized value - equal to 0 when stick is in the center, 1.0 when stick touches the border and higher than 1.0 when event source is outside of the parent object;
  4. radius angle from 0 to 360 degrees.

Visual representation of the coordinates:

coordinate system

FlexJoystick class provides methods to get all 4 coordinates:

let currentX = joystick.getStickX();
let currentY = joystick.getStickY();
let currentRadius = joystick.getStickRadius();
let currentAngle = joystick.getStickAngle();

There is also a getDirection(directionConfiguration) method that returns current joystick direction as a string.

Possible getDirection return values
  • С - center (radius below the activation threshold);
  • U - up;
  • UR - up and right;
  • R - right;
  • DR - down and right;
  • D - down;
  • DL - down and left;
  • L - left;
  • UL - up and left;

FlexJoystick has a direction activation threshold - radius of the event below which joystick is believed to be in the center. This is useful for virtual joysticks because pointer can't be placed directly into the center of the object which sometimes triggers wrong direction read.

Default value of the activation threshold is 0.4. It can be updated in range of 0 to 1 with corresponding method:


When called on the "long" object getDirection method will return either "U", "D" or "C" independent on the parameter value.

When called on the "wide" object getDirection method will return either "L", "R" or "C" independent on the parameter value.

There is a couple of options for the directionConfiguration parameter when method is called for the "round" joystick:



The default mode for the "round" joystick is 8 directions.

You are free to choose any technique to get the data from the joystick, though there are two go to methods that can be easily implemented:

1. Function calls with fixed period

let currentX = 0;
let currentY = 0;
let currentDirection = "C";

    currentX = joystick1.getStickX();
    currentY = joystick1.getStickY();
    currentDirection = joystick1.getDirection();
}, 100);

An example above will update stick values once every 100ms. This method is easy to use, but have two problems:

  1. it will be too slow to react to fast changes (though the update rate can be increased);
  2. it will call class methods even if no updates happened, thus introducing unnecessary calculations.

2. Function calls on joystick updates

Example for the mouse handling:

document.getElementById("parentDivName").addEventListener("mousedown", function(event){

    currentX = joystick.getStickX().toFixed(2);
    currentY = joystick.getStickY().toFixed(2);
    currentDirection = joystick.getDirection();
}, false);

document.addEventListener("mousemove", function(event){

    currentX = joystick.getStickX().toFixed(2);
    currentY = joystick.getStickY().toFixed(2);
    currentDirection = joystick.getDirection();
}, false);

document.addEventListener("mouseup", function(event){
    joystick.handleMouseUp(event, true);

    currentX = joystick.getStickX().toFixed(2);
    currentY = joystick.getStickY().toFixed(2);
    currentDirection = joystick.getDirection();

This method requires more code that can be converted into a separate function, but will update the values only when events are called.

Enable touch interactions

Here is the most basic example of touch handling:

document.getElementById("parentDivName").addEventListener("touchstart", function(event){
}, false);

document.addEventListener("touchmove", function(event){
}, false);

document.addEventListener("touchend", function(event){
        joystick1.handleTouchEnd(event, true);
}, false);

The methods are pretty similar to mouse handling. But you should always use touch handlers for touch events and mouse methods for mouse events as they have different functionality.

Every instance of FlexJoystick works with a single touch event at a time and will handle the updates only of a corresponding touch event. So if you will try to touch already engaged joystick nothing will happen. Therefore it is possible to use multiple joystick on the same page at the same time.

handleTouchEnd method has a second parameter - returnToCenter. If it is set to true stick will return to center after corresponding touch ends. If it is set to false stick will hold it place even after corresponding touch has ended.

Disable content selection while holding the Joystick

When using mouse to work with joystick you will always select all the content on the page when moving the mouse outside of the parent object. The same way, if you will move your finger down while holding joystick on the mobile device you can sometimes unintentionally refresh the page.There is a small trick to prevent such behavior (example for the mouse, but touch will work the same way):

document.getElementById("parentDivName").addEventListener("mousedown", function(event){
    document.onselectstart = () => {return false};
}, false);

document.addEventListener("mousemove", function(event){

}, false);

document.addEventListener("mouseup", function(event){
    document.onselectstart = () => {return true};
    joystick.handleMouseUp(event, true);

In the example above we added handlers for the onselectStart event. We disabled content selection when the joystick is clicked, and enabled it back again when it is released. Simple, but functional!

Enable "return to center" animation

"return to center" animation moves the stick to the center of the parent object in multiple steps. Animations should be enabled a bit differently depending on the even source.

Here is how to enable animation for the mouse event:

document.addEventListener("mouseup", function(event){
    let interval = setInterval(function(){
    }, 10);
    joystick.handleMouseUp(event, true);

Animation is handled frame by frame. To show the frames we should call the handleAnimation method therefore we should register interval to call the method. After animation is finished interval is deleted, therefore we have to provide enableAnimation function with the setInterval return object.

There are a couple important points to note here:

  1. animation must be enabled and handled in the mouseup handler;
  2. animation must be registered before it is enabled;
  3. animation must be enabled before mouse up is handled;
  4. 10 ms is default animation speed that looks good for my taste. To make animation slower you can increase this value;
  5. even though animation takes some time to finish, right after animation event was called all get methods will return coordinates of the center of the object. This is done to prevent false joysticks coordinates reads while the stick is on the move.

Here is how to enable animation for the touch event:

document.addEventListener("touchend", function(event){
    if(event.changedTouches[0].identifier == joystick.getTouchId())
        let listener = setInterval(function(){
            }, 10);
    joystick.handleTouchEnd(event, true);
}, false);

Event listener works for the whole document therefore each "touchend" event will call the handler function. To check if the source event is the same event that FlexJoystick handles you can use getTouchId method, which returns the ID of the touch that is handled by the specific joystick. Everything else is the same as with the mouse click.

Handle events for multiple joysticks

To handle multiple joystick you will need to register the "touchstart" event for every particular joystick and can use the same "touchmove" and "touchend" events like in example below:

let joystick1 = new FlexJoystick("parentDivName_1");
let joystick2 = new FlexJoystick("parentDivName_2");

document.getElementById("parentDivName_1").addEventListener("touchstart", function(event){
    document.onselectstart = () => {return false};
}, false);

document.getElementById("parentDivName_2").addEventListener("touchstart", function(event){
    document.onselectstart = () => {return false};
}, false);

document.addEventListener("touchmove", function(event){
}, false);

document.addEventListener("touchend", function(event){
    document.onselectstart = () => {return true};

    joystick1.handleMouseUp(event, true);
    joystick2.handleMouseUp(event, true);

Change Joystick design

FlexJoystick object consists of two div tags that are both children of the paretnDiv. One div is the joystick outline and the second one is the stick. You can customise these tags in whatever way you want using Java script.

Outline object name will be equal to the parent object name + "Outline" on the end: "parentDivNameOutline". Stick object name will be equal to the parent object name + "Stick": "parentDivNameStick".

In theory joystick can be 100% redesigned with addition of additional divs and images ontop to make whatever custom look your aplication needs, but this should be an advanced topic for eveyone to discover. Below will be a couple of examples with simple style changes.

Changing default colors

let joystick = new FlexJoystick("parentDivName");
document.getElementById("parentDivNameOutline").style.background = "red";
document.getElementById("parentDivNameStick").style.background = "red";
document.getElementById("parentDivNameStick").style.opacity = "50%";


Changing border shape and color

let joystick = new FlexJoystick("parentDivName");
document.getElementById("parentDivNameOutline").style.background = "aquamarine";
document.getElementById("parentDivNameOutline").style.borderRadius = "15px";
document.getElementById("parentDivNameStick").style.background = "aquamarine";
document.getElementById("parentDivNameStick").style.opacity = "80%";
document.getElementById("parentDivNameStick").style.borderRadius = "10px";
document.getElementById("parentDivNameStick").style.border = "5px solid white";


Resizing the joystick

Both stick and outline sizes are defined in pixels even if the parent object size is defined differently, for example as a percentage. Therefore if the page is resized, for example when the mobile phone screen is rotated, joysticks will keep the same size as before. To update the size of the joystick FlexJoystick class provide two types of resize methods:

  1. resize with default parameters;
  2. resize with custom parameters;

Resize with default parameters can be used if you haven't changed the size of Stick or Outline and just need to make them fit the new size of the parent object:


Resize with custom parameters should be used when you want to change default size of stick or outline compared to the parent div, like to make stick smaller or in a shape of rectangle or anything else:

// some code that changes the size of the stick or Outline

without this line joystick performance most likely be incorrect as it will use previous parameters.

How to contribute

This is my first real JS project. I don't really have experience with both JS and open source development, so please be nice to me and everyone else out here.

Readme can and probably does have grammatical errors, refactoring help is super welcome.

Bugs fixes and new features can be suggested using pull requests. I would really appreciate experienced look through the code with suggestions how the style and functionality can be improved.

When suggesting the pull request, please make sure to minify the code and copy the minified version into docs folder. This project was minified with the MinifyAll VSCode extension with default parameters.