
Jacy programming language

Primary LanguageC++


The idea

Jacy is an experimental project that is aimed to have powerful features with ease of use but without an implicitness.

Some main features Jacy would have one day:

  • Base of functional programming (first-class monads, pattern matching, etc.)
  • Rustish ownership system and safety
  • trait system
  • Comprehensive type system (generics, type bounds, where clause, etc.)
  • In addition to generics -- type parameters inference

All of these features are not firmly established, that's just a starting point from which the way of research will be done.

What is the muse of Jacy? -- Do as much as we can on compilation-time. At first, I was inspired by modern languages that became fairly popular -- Kotlin/Swift, etc. Anyway, the reason for their popularity is that their purpose is to modernize old technologies, Kotlin for Java, Swift for Objective-C. I fell into a stupor, I didn't want to solve problems of old languages, I wanted to make something new and solid.

Also, I want to describe some kind of Zen, I need a list of common values that Jacy should have in my opinion:

  1. Convenience is more important than anything else, except the cases when convenience violates any other rule.
  2. Everything that can be explicit -- must be explicit.
  3. Safety, safety, and safety, but it is important as far as there's no lack of convenience.
  4. Sometimes we just prototype something and want to write code with the speed of speaking. So every feature in Jacy should be review from the side of coding speed and ease.
  5. If we can help a user with avoiding mistakes -- we help him.

Dev notes

That's not the real documentation especially a tutorial, just some thoughts about the view on this project. I mostly will explain why I've chosen certain solutions and not how to work with them. Some thoughts may seem simple and meticulous, but I want to cover even the simplest aspects of PL.

Maybe... idk why, you wanna run it?

CLI tool needs improvements, anyway it works and here's the syntax:

./jc (.exe for windows) [source files] --boolean-argument -key-value-argument=param1, param2, ..., paramN 

There're two kinds of cli arguments:

  • Boolean, that is, just a flag
  • Key-value that receive parameters

Also arguments have constraints:

  • Non-existent arguments, obviously, leads to an error
  • For key-value arguments: count of arguments (may be any count) and allowed parameters (what you able to write after =)
  • Dependencies. It means that some arguments are not allowed if other argument is not set, e.g. you cannot use -compile-depth (it controls how deep will compilation process go by workflow) without setting --dev argument.

Example usage:

./bin example.jc -print=ast
Actual list of arguments
Key-value arguments
  • -print - debug argument that allows to print representations of some structures on different compilation stages:
    • all - prints everything described below
    • dir-tree - prints directory tree where root file is placed, so we can check which files will be compiled
    • source - prints source for each file will be compiled
    • tokens - prints token stream (each on a new line) with position and length
    • ast - prints source code from view of AST (does not actually print AST as tree)
    • sugg - prints generated suggestions after each compilation stage (if it generates any)
    • names - [not working] - prints AST with markers (connections to names) after name resolution
  • -compile-depth - controls how deep will compilation process go by workflow (each next argument implicitly includes all previous arguments):
    • parser - stops after parsing files
    • name-resolution - stops after name resolution
  • -benchmark - controls benchmarks printing kind
    • final - only one benchmark for the whole compilation process
    • each-stage - benches each stage of compilation process
Boolean arguments
  • --dev - enables dev mode: all logs will be printed including dev-level logs and new logs will be added. Generally just produces more debug info everywhere.



The first idea was to use var and val, it's pretty nice, we don't have weird let and let mut like Rust, but then I thought "var and val are pretty confusing, they only differ in r and l, not easy to read". So, I replaced val with let and it looked like the solution. Now, we have let and let mut 😊... Why? I forgot about pattern-matching, Rust's solution is right because let is not a constant var declaration, it is just a declaration of a variable, and the variable name is a pattern in which we can set if it is a mutable or not. I've already reserved the mut keyword, so now we have only one keyword for variable declaration (run-time!).

The syntax:

'let' pattern (':' type)? ('=' expr)?

Anyway, I'm able to add the var keyword and just use it as an alias for let mut. In this way, we are not able to use pattern, just only an identifier, so we also lose the ability of destructuring. I think it does not worth it, let's stay with let and let mut.


Before the control-flow chapter, I have to establish rules about blocks, which are different from Rust's. All blocks (in control-flow) which enclosed into {} are last-statement typed (it means that the last expression of this block is the value and type of the whole block).

While Rust has rules about the absence of ;, Jacy does not have required ;, so this rule cannot be applied in the same way. Let's look at some examples:

  • This block is of type bool and has result value true, even though we don't use this value
  • This block will produce a type error because it either has a result of type of myval or () (unit type)
let a = {if myval => myval}
  • This block won't produce a type error, because we don't use the result value
{if myval => myval}

So, we already can establish some requirements about type analysis -- we need union types which are impossible to be declared in language, but may exist in the type system.

One-line blocks

In this thing, Jacy blocks differ from Rust's. I really appreciate the opportunity to declare one-line blocks without {}. As far as I wanna Jacy to be consistent, and I established that syntax of match expression arms use =>, for one-line blocks we use the same syntax. Let's look at the syntax:

while true => print('kek')

After => we can only place one expression, and if we put {} compiler will give a warning because there's no need to put {} after =>. So, the syntax looks kind of like that:

block: `=>` expr | blockExpression | ';';

{} blocks in control-flow behave absolutely the same way as block-expressions.

One important thing is that function declaration has different syntax and rules about blocks, more about that soon below.

Ignoring blocks

This is a feature that satisfies one definite rule from Zen -- prototyping ease. It is a pretty simple thing -- we can ignore any block (including control-structures, mods, funcs, etc.) with ;.


if myval;
else doSomething()

Of course, I couldn't leave this thing without covering the Zen rule about helping a user with mistakes, so there will be a warning if you're writing code like that.

Don't confuse block-ignorance with trait method signatures, in case of traits it is not ignorance.


The control flow of Jacy is mostly inspired by Rust.

We've got if/if let as an expression, loop as an expression, while/while let and for.

while/while let and for are statements, because:

  • Why we need to use them as expressions if they return () (unit)
  • I'm trying to solve the problem above, and it will be solved they'll become expression which returns an any-type value
  • If I made them expressions then it would break backward compatibility:
    • You could put them in expression place, but they returned (), and in the new version, they started returning some non-() value

if/if let

if is an expression, works the same as in other languages, here's nothing to say about except that I need to note that Jacy does not support implicit bool conversion even through operator overloading like C++ does.

if let

if let is a way to check if some value matches a specific pattern. Also, as this is a pattern matching we able to destruct our value.

Syntax is following:

ifLetExpression: 'if let' pattern '=' expr block

while/while let

while is a statement that works the same as while in other c-like languages

while let is the same as while except that its condition behaves like if let.

while/while let as expressions

Here are some thoughts about possible solutions.

while myval {
    // Do something if `myval` is true
} else {
    // Do something if `myval` is false (at first)

It is an obvious solution, but has some problems:

  • As far as while can return some value it must explicitly break with value. We cannot just use the last statement of the while block as the result value, because while is possibly multiple-times iterable.
  • If we don't break with value, then what would be the result? - It cannot be simply written in asm-like code with jumps, because we don't know when our while "does not break".

Problem example:

let a = while myval {
    if somethingElse => break true
} else {
  • What is the type of this while expression? - bool | (), but we don't support inferred union types.

For now, I cannot come up with any good solution, so while is a statement. Anyway, let's try something:

IDEA #1 This one requires static-analysis (maybe complex):

let a = while myval {
    if somethingElse => break true
    break false
} else {

We can analyze this code and say that each break-value is bool, so we allow this.

What about this?:

let a = while myval {
    if somethingElse => break true
} else {

Each break-value is of type bool, so we allow it because the alternative workflow is an infinite loop.

We required some static-analysis on while, which is, as I see, is not really complex and not differs much from the if expression value inference. The only problem is that the use cases of while-else are not common, especially when we cover only this use case:

let a = if myval {
    let mut result = false
    while myval {
        // ...
        if somethingElse {
            result = true
    return result
} else {


for-loop is a statement, not an expression, here, problems with making it an expression are the same as for while (read above) but even more complex. for-loop in Jacy has only one syntax (for ... in ...) same as Rust, which covers all usages (almost) of for-loop from C++.

The syntax is the following:

forLoop: 'for' pattern 'in' expression block


// In C++ we write
for (int i = 0; i < something; i++) {
    // ...

// In Jacy:
for i in 0..=something {
    // ...

// In C++
for (const auto & x : vec) {
    // ...

// In Jacy
for x in &vec {
    // ...

Compile-time evaluation

One thing I appreciate much is the ability of compile-time evaluation (CTE - compile-time evaluat(-ion)/(-ed) further) Unlike Zig, there's no hardly separate syntax like comptime, etc., as far as we don't base something else (like type parameters in Zig) on CTE, we only use for computations.

There are some terms we need to establish:

  • const keyword in the context of CTE
  • CTE context
  • CTE functions
  • CTE expressions

const keyword

In CTE const used to declare, obviously, a constant which will be evaluated at compile-time and which usages will be inlined.

I wanna note that const is a synonym for compile-time evaluable expression, so further I'll use it in this context.

const must be immediately assigned when declared. Syntax:

'const' IDENT '=' expr

After '=' goes an expression which MUST also be CTE, but not exactly another const.

The difference between let and const is that const is an item, whereas let is a statement. As being an item const can be placed mostly on any level, including top-level:

const a = 10

trait MyTrait {
    const traitConst = 1010

func main() {
    const b = 123

CTE Context

In some places we cannot put run-time computed expressions, e.g. when we declare fixed-sized array [T; getSize()], getSize() function must be CTE.

Here's the list of all (I hope) this kind of places (N is const and ctFunc() is CTE function):

  • Array types [T; N]
  • Fill-array generator [0; N] (generate an array of N zeros)
  • When we set default value for const parameter like <const N: usize = ctFunc()>
  • Enum discriminant enum MyEnum { Kind = N }
  • static items initializers

CTE functions

A function is CTE if:

  • It is marked with const modifier
  • It is possible to infer that function can be CTE

We mark function as CTE so:

const func foo() {}

Then the compiler will check that all computations performed inside this function 'foo' are CTE, if not, it gives an error.

In another way, the result of the function won't be inlined in usage places, but it is possible to use a function that wasn't qualified as const in a CTE context. More about that below.

const inference

Another approach is more complex for the compiler but simple for the user: If we declare a function and use it in CTE context when compiler goes to this function and checks that it's CTE function. Anyway, if we use this function in a run-time context it won't be inlined and evaluated at compile-time. Example:

// Just a simple function that returns `1`
func foo = 1

const func myConstFunc {
    const a = foo()

func myRawFunc {
    let a = foo()

After const expansion this code will look (structurally) like that:

func foo() = 1

const func myConstFunc() {
    const a = 1

func myRawFunc() {
    let a = foo()

As you can see in myRawFunc foo is still a function call, because foo used in a non-const context. Whereas in myConstFunc value returned by foo was inlined as we declared a as const. const qualifier does not mean that everything inside it will be inlined, you still can declare let or use if inside of it. const just means the compiler will check function for constness and tell you if it's not.