
Table of Contents

  1. Setting
  2. Character Lore
    1. King Fructose Disaccharide Sucrose III
  3. Special Rules
  4. Player Objective


Sucrose Kingdom

The Sucrose Kingdom is one of the most financially secure kingdoms on the continent of Bajin. It has established this by establishing dominance within the global confection market. All companies and trade are strictly monitored and controlled by the central monarchial government. Citizens have a strong sense of bonding and outward happiness due to the sugary nature naturally within all citizens. They are ingrained from birth with the mentality that all sacharides are tasty, but some are more tasty than others. This has helped unite the citizens and the monarchy due to a natural sense of community. Anyone who openly speaks against the community is immediately ostracized.

The citizens are required to worship the Sugar Cane gods. The leader of the religion is the King and leader of the Sucrose Kingdom, King Sucrose III. There is little documentation on the religion as its tenants change with each new monarch.

Over the past century, there has been a distinct schism between the mortal and celestial realms. So much so that any supernatural interference from the angels, cherubim, devils, demons, and the like results in a united crusade from the mortal realms in order to execute an exterminatus, thereby ridding the world of the perpetrators who dared consult beyond the mortal realms for more than minor advice while also cleansing the world of the divine.

Religions do permit consulting divine beings so long as it does not involve direct involvement. Any sort of direct involvement must be investigated thoroughly by proper authorities.

Recent events in the Sucrose Kingdom have allowed the company Nestle to become the number one company in the world within the confection market with the signing of the recent Caramel Pact by the Sucrose government and executives within the Nestle company. The Caramel Pact allowed the Nestle company to become a monopoly, establishing complete dominance within the confection market as well as the global market, and also lower the amount of control of the monarchial government. This specifically allowed Nestle to control its own prices and employee pay.

Character Lore

King Fructose Disaccharide Sucrose III

King Fructose Disaccharide Sucrose III is the current monarchial ruler of the Sucrose Kingdom. He has expanded business within the Sucrose Kingdom by imposing embargoes and tarifs on other kingdoms wishing to import Sucrose Confections. Since the kingdom has the best confections in all the world, and is also the world's leading supplier of confection, this has led to an incredible spike within the economy of the Sucrose Kingdom as it has led to an increase in jobs and net GDP for the kingdom.

The king has also been able to secure more job production by requiring companies to strictly employ Sucrose citizens. Under King Sucrose III's rule, unemployment is at an all time low.

There are several critics of King Sucrose's economic policies. There are several unconfirmed metrics that state that while unemployment is at an all time low, the wage gap between the aristocrats and nobles, and the rest of the population has been made much wider.

Special Rules


Player Objective

There have been rumors that the recent success of the kingdom is attributed to some supernatural interference. The players are an experienced group of advernturers and have met up to investigate the potential paranormal activities.