This repo provides scripts and resources to deploy Storm on Google Compute Engine (GCE).
In the following, I assume you're familiar with GCE
and that you have gctuil
up and running. For a deep dive into the topic, incl. manual set up, consult the blog post
Deploying Storm on GCE.
In the GCE console, create a project with
the ID storm-simple
and enable billing for it. Then, you need to do some
(one-time) authentication:
$ gcutil --project=storm-simple auth
Then, you can launch the following script that provisions the four instances and prepares them for their roles (1 x ZooKeeper, 1 x Nimbus, 2 x Slaves).
$ ./
In my case, this resulted in a cluster with the following layout:
Note that the IPs stem from using reserved/static IP addresses and that you will experience different IPs.
After this you can ssh into any of the instances of the 4 node cluster,
for example into the nimbus
$ gcutil --project=storm-simple ssh nimbus
Once in the instance, you need to start the respective services
(the install script also downloads the necessary scripts into ~/cluster
[mhausenblas@zk ~]$ cluster/
[mhausenblas@nimbus ~]$ cluster/
[mhausenblas@nimbus ~]$ cluster/
[mhausenblas@slave1 ~]$ cluster/
[mhausenblas@slave2 ~]$ cluster/
And finally, you can also have a look at the Nimbus WebUI at http://nimbus:8080 which should look something like:
To submit a topology
we first need to prep the machine we submit it from. I assume you've cloned this
repo into a directory ~/storm-on-gce
and then you'd do the following:
$ mkdir ~/.storm
$ cp ~/storm-on-gce/templates/template_storm.yaml ~/.storm/storm.yaml
With this, and assuming you've updated your local /etc/hosts
with the
respective values for your instances, the local machine is aware of the Storm
cluster and ready to receive a topology.
We will use nathanmarz/storm-starter for a test drive:
$ cd /tmp
$ git clone
$ cd storm-starter
$ lein deps
$ lein compile
$ lein uberjar
$ storm jar target/storm-starter-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar storm.starter.ExclamationTopology exclamation-topology
0 [main] INFO backtype.storm.StormSubmitter - Jar not uploaded to master yet. Submitting jar...
73 [main] INFO backtype.storm.StormSubmitter - Uploading topology jar target/storm-starter-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar to assigned location: /app/storm/nimbus/inbox/stormjar-ef3376c5-85d4-4a65-bbde-a266f17609d1.jar
2973 [main] INFO backtype.storm.StormSubmitter - Successfully uploaded topology jar to assigned location: /app/storm/nimbus/inbox/stormjar-ef3376c5-85d4-4a65-bbde-a266f17609d1.jar
2973 [main] INFO backtype.storm.StormSubmitter - Submitting topology exclamation-topology in distributed mode with conf {"topology.workers":3,"topology.debug":true}
3256 [main] INFO backtype.storm.StormSubmitter - Finished submitting topology: exclamation-topology
To see if it works, do the following:
$ storm list
0 [main] INFO backtype.storm.thrift - Connecting to Nimbus at nimbus:6627
Topology_name Status Num_tasks Num_workers Uptime_secs
exclamation-topology ACTIVE 18 3 401
Public Domain.